Example sentences of "life [be] " in BNC.

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1 The reason is that with Van Gogh art and life are not merely conditioned by each other to a greater degree than with any other artist , but actually merge with each other .
2 The article written to this brief is likely to have an element of sensationalism ; curiosity about sex or money may be deliberately aroused ; conflicts in an artist 's life are likely to be dramatised .
3 We have mainly been concerned with the modern ‘ computational ’ version of the representational theory of mind ; but , as I shall mention again later , the more traditional views of mental life are no less representational — phenomenology , for example , is a representational theory of mind .
4 In fact , the striking dissociations that one can observe in neuropsychological patients show us instead that skills which seem so simple and automatic in the course of everyday life are in fact comprised of a large number of functional sub-components , any of which may be impaired by brain injury .
5 But no one will seriously maintain that the verses do not have a design upon us ; that they do not promulgate a message — the message that all secular explanations of human life are vain and inadequate .
6 The movement of Conrad 's Marlow back to Brussels and London is the movement back from the realization that death and life are one to the simple considerations of drinking , having a tune , and paying the rent , however much these may be ‘ nothing to me and nothing to you ’ .
7 The hallmarks of Thomas à Kempis 's approach to the religious life are a rigorous inner self-discipline and a conformity , for reasons of humility , to the existing forms of Christianity as met from day to day wherever you happen to be .
8 Yet the people who truly matter in her life are the friends she had when she was an ordinary teenager .
9 What British people so often fail to understand is that the old inter-island divisions and prejudices that have always dogged Caribbean life are still present , and that a successful cricket team is the one thing that transcends this fragmentation .
10 In the death and resurrection of Jesus the two gardens of Eden and eternal life are joined .
11 ‘ Death and life are interwoven , ’ he says .
12 Death and life are interwoven , ’ says Stone .
13 I get to act out all the horrors and pressures of fame , and some of the things that I worry about in my own life are purged .
14 Dr John Bowlby was the author of a bestseller , Child Care And The Growth Of Love ( 1953 ) , which popularized the theory of Maternal Deprivation , the gist of which was — and is — that the first five years of a child 's life are crucial .
15 Educational systems have helped to reinforce in the minds of Europeans the idea that agriculture and rural life are somehow inferior to industry and urban society .
16 All too often we fall into the trap of thinking that the only really joyful experiences of life are those that we do n't have ; we can miss out on so much happiness if we do n't appreciate what we have already .
17 His father , a Scotsman , had been gardener to a gentleman at Bromley before founding his own market gardening business at Deptford and , in the diary of Pehr Kalm , details about Miller 's early life are found .
18 If you 've ever doubted that all the best things in life are free , book a Club Choice holiday and find out for yourself because in a selected range of our top hotels and apartments we can offer you some great FREE features to add even more value to your holiday .
19 For you , the sea and sunshine , food and wine , the sport , the relaxation and the night life are all there for the taking .
20 The constraints , pressures , stresses , necessities and obligations of life are temporarily held in abeyance and we allow this ‘ second order ’ of experiencing to take over .
21 But the fine fuzz of tiny spines that covered it in life are not present .
22 Wherever the conditions for life are difficult , we find , typically , that the number of species is low ; and so it is in the world 's great deserts that lie just outside the wet equatorial regions , in Africa , Central Asia , North America and Australia .
23 Whatever temporary vogue her poetry may have enjoyed following her death , the few historical traces of her life are contained within a very narrow compass .
24 Since the records of her life are fragmentary and , in some cases , contradictory , it is necessary to consider first the character of Brackley and its neighbouring communities as the background to her life and poetry .
25 Nevertheless , continuities in family life are also important .
26 ‘ At the heart of many current discussions about the family lies a model with which present ways of life are contrasted .
27 The danger , however , lies not only in swallowing false generalizations , or in forgetting how far the realities of later life are shaped by social pressures which may be quite new or open to future change .
28 How typical of the ordinary experience of later life are the accounts which we present here ?
29 And let me tell you , if you were to have come into our servants ' hall on any of those evenings , you would not have heard mere gossip ; more likely , you would have witnessed debates over the great affairs preoccupying our employers upstairs , or else over matters of import reported in the newspapers ; and of course , as fellow professionals from all walks of life are wont to do when gathered together , we could be found discussing every aspect of our vocation .
30 As God penetrates the core of our lives , we realize that it is in the heart that all the issues of life are decided .
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