Example sentences of "world begin " in BNC.

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1 I felt the world beginning to drift into the distance again , but I knew what was happening this time and got my head down quickly .
2 Down beyond the fork where the Taly joined the Tummel another world began — the world of government .
3 Mrs Margaret Thatcher has struck three notes since the Communist world began to disintegrate .
4 People from all over the world began to make pilgrimages to Monkey Mia and some 200,000 visitors arrived during the 1989 season .
5 The first regular , scheduled international service in the world began on 25 August 1919 .
6 Since the world began
7 Since the world began
8 My external world began to reflect that all was not well .
9 The multi-billion-pound business had already taken a severe thrashing last year , as the outside world began to shrink away from growing violence .
10 The secretary-general of the UN , Boutros Boutros-Ghali , announced this week that UN troops might have to be pulled out of Croatia unless relations between Croats and Serbs in UN-patrolled enclaves there improved and the world began to pay its peacekeeping bills .
11 We shall lead up to it by starting where the modern world began , with the scientific revolution .
12 Yet fertility throughout Europe and the industrial world began its post-war decline from the mid-60s .
13 But as the economies of other countries around the world began to collapse , it became increasingly clear that the Depression was no brief passing phase .
14 But if we had no independent reason for accepting this conclusion , such as the argument from error provides , we would take it as a point against his theory that it shows we do n't know the most central and obvious things such as that we are not brains in vats , that there is a material world or that the world began more than five minutes ago .
15 One morning we set off to find the primal mound where the world began .
16 There were no roads direct from the station to where the world began , but the carriage drivers , squatting over their breakfasts , directed us to an abandoned railway line which cut across country .
17 A man on a donkey directed us to where the world began , pointing up a lane between two walls of durra .
18 Identifying the one on which the world began proved tricky .
19 One is in the Delta ; the other is in Heliopolis , now a suburb of Cairo , but not even a cynic could believe the world began in the suburbs .
20 Though the production function approach was subjected to a great deal of criticism from the start , this criticism increased very substantially in the 1970s as the economies of the world began to stagnate .
21 Shortly after this they sold their 20% stake in Adobe , netting a huge profit in the process , and the world began to take notice of what looked like an interesting scenario .
22 Even as she watched , the idyllic little world began to fade , leaving her alone and in tears for a world so cruelly offered , then snatched away .
23 Few people believed that a market for such high priced machines existed , but Cray continued to increase sales and growth , until eventually many other companies from around the world began building such supercomputers .
24 People murder and get murdered — so they have done since the world began .
25 But as Mr Pocket says , ‘ No man who was not a true gentleman at heart , ever was since the world began , a true gentleman in manner . ’
26 On account of this , very many cases from all over the world began to be brought to his audience so that he concluded several major cases in his time which were started long before .
27 This was where the world began and ended .
28 Eventually , the world begins to reform , and you get some insight into the relationships between various parallel dimensions .
29 If you spend your life on one island or in one place , it is all too easy to become parochial in your outlook , and to think that the world begins and ends there in your back garden .
30 The obscure circumstances of the collapse of the old culture involved invasion , or infiltration , by further Greek-speaking tribes ; and it is with their assimilation that the new world begins .
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