Example sentences of "day on " in BNC.

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1 If you have spent a long day on the airfield , it will be difficult to refuse your turn to fly , even if you are tired .
2 Another superstition relates to the day on which a person is born .
3 It was n't enough for her , after spending the day on her own , hoovering , shopping and running the washing machine , so she said , for me to retell a couple of jokes from the Telegraph diary .
4 Railfreight–liveried Class 37 ( coal sub–sector ) No 37235 The Coal Merchants Association of Scotland on display at the Coalville depot open day on 11 June 1989 .
5 The unit is seen here leaving Plymouth working a shuttle service to Laira depot open day on 7 September 1985 .
6 In Prague last night , more than 200 were allowed into the West German embassy after spending the day on the pavement outside .
7 To coincide with this exhibition , a study day on church art and architecture from Medieval to Victorian times on Saturday 14 October .
8 At their peak in the mid-60s , there were 39 western series on the three American TV networks — almost two a day on each channel .
9 By the close , the shares had fallen a further 40p on the London market to close at 560p while they ended the day on the French bourse Fr3.6 lower at Fr59.9 amid heavy dealing in both markets .
10 ALMOST 24 hours late , the first of several chartered trains left Prague for the West last night , carrying some of the 12,000 East German emigrants who had spent another night and a day on the chilly pavements around the West German embassy or in the embassy 's increasingly squalid grounds .
11 THE big boys were expecting an easy day on Sunday .
12 One man who could have a busy day on Sunday if he drops in on the above conference will be Michael Billington , the theatre critic of The Guardian .
13 MANY musical celebrities visit Newcastle but it was a red-letter day on Wednesday , when the Tyne Theatre and Opera House was sold out for Joan Sutherland 's first appearance in the city .
14 Nicholas Scott , MBE , JP , MP , the Minister of State for Society Security and Disabled People at an Open Day on the 14th July .
15 We 've been prowling around all day on a level with earthworms and rusty , broken down appliances , pressing our ears against the hot wooden trapdoor to the cellar and hearing the silence of ghosts .
16 The next day on the platform of the little station he was very fine .
17 The pattern of weather systems is fascinating , and I try to predict the sport on opening day on the strength of them .
18 By nightfall I am fed up with the search and determined to leave tomorrow for at least one day on Drangajökull .
19 They used to bully him and tease him ; then one day on his way back from school they attacked him .
20 We had a visitor for our last day on the ranges : the Army Commander , Lieutenant-General Sir David Ramsbotham , who had commanded us in 3rd Armoured Division during our last tour in Germany , in 1985 .
21 In East Tyrone , s UDR started the day on a happy note when the Commanding Officer called the Administrative Officer to his office and told him that he was to be promoted to Captain .
22 It had been a long hot day on the farm where I help my father with his large dairy herd .
23 As he explained when I met him , he became so angry when he read what they had to say about the Princess that he wanted to ring the editors and complain , but realized that , rather than spending every day on the telephone , a simpler solution was to stop reading them .
24 By coming to a Family day on the Saturday , to meet and welcome new families to the church .
25 Laurence Stone , 27 , blacksmith ( right ) : ‘ I would n't wear this every day on the street but it would be good fun for a club . ’
26 The greatest holiday in the Soviet calendar , November 7 , is the day on which the country is supposed to celebrate its revolutionary leap into a higher form of society — socialism .
27 As convoys of military cargo planes flew into Howard Air Force base all day on Tuesday , bringing the advance elements of the 82nd Airborne , there was little real surprise .
28 Kvallposten , an evening newspaper in Malmo , reported that a diary belonging to Mr Talb which was seized during police searches shows December 21 1988 — the day on which PanAm 103 blew up — with a circle around it .
29 This means handicaps are out for him in the immediate future and conditions races will have to be the order of the day on the run-up to Cheltenham .
30 To coincide with World Environment Day on 5 June 1989 , The Times published a survey which showed that the membership of fifteen green organizations was climbing towards parity with the membership of unions affiliated to the TUC .
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