Example sentences of "made into " in BNC.

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1 Tom Wolfe 's book The Painted Word is a witty example of the genre ; it originally appeared in Harper 's Magazine , before being made into a book in 1975 .
2 Serious inroads had now been made into my pitiful cash reserves and tomorrow I would be penniless .
3 In addition to this superconducting phase , and the well known semiconducting properties of GaAs , LT-GaAs can be made into a well-nigh perfect insulator by annealing at 500°C so that As-rich material precipitates out .
4 Any of the meats , cheeses , marinated vegetables or salads on sale can be made into a custom-designed sandwich .
5 In addition , an input in posture is to be made into the training of officers to educate them in ways of preventing back injury . ’
6 The guide also suggests how excavated areas can be made into wildlife havens through the addition of features such as trees , islands and marshy areas .
7 Made into the lower part of the boot is a special ‘ water shed ’ membrane which successfully helped keep my feet dry .
8 A grain of wheat , for example , consists essentially of three parts : the bran , made up of several outer coverings , the germ ( the embryo of the new plant ) and the endosperm , the starchy centre which is made into flour .
9 Grant that by my prayers and alms , I may give to each continent what it requires : to Africa , a native clergy of black hands lifting your body ; to Asia , a rich harvest from the red blood , seed of her martyrs ; to Oceania , a necklace of islands made into a Rosary for the faith ; to Europe , already so tired , a renewal of youth at the altar of God ; to America , an exchange of the pearl of great price for material riches .
10 These regions , known as tribal agencies , are where Afghan and Pakistani opium is made into heroin , often in laboratories no bigger than the average bathroom .
11 There was the interview in the morgue between Jamieson and Detective Blake , whom John Shrapnel has made into the one compulsively watchable character so far .
12 Olives are grown either to eat or to be made into olive oil .
13 These are used in many Eastern dishes , either whole or made into a sauce .
14 They have so much more flavour than the fresh fruit and can be eaten on cereals , used for puddings and fruit compotes , cooked with meat ( especially lamb ) or made into jam .
15 This salad may be served as a colourful starter or be made into a more substantial lunch or supper dish with the addition of some potato salad on top of the bed of lettuce .
16 It is said that yaks ' milk is sometimes used and in Italy buffalos ' milk is made into cheese .
17 Many Japanese families today are sitting down to enjoy a meal of dolphin , perhaps eating it raw , or salted and pickled in miso , or dried with seasonings and made into sausage .
18 Once sugar has been extracted from the cane , the by-product , bagasse , can indeed be made into paper ( or burnt to make steam and power ) .
19 Despite his claim that he does not make things into ideas but only ideas into things , the feeling remains , as , in effect , Berkeley concedes , that ‘ all that is real and substantial … is banished out of the world ’ , and that everything has been made into ‘ so many chimeras and illusions on the fancy ’ .
20 Ideas , it seems , can not be made into things , because various truths about them are not suitable for transmutation into truths about things .
21 Unlike stone , flint or ceramics , the raw material has to undergo drastic changes before it is made into the finished artefact .
22 After the heroics of the binding of Isaac came comedy and a hero made into a fool .
23 The exploration could be made into oneself .
24 Gemma will only eat her Chum if it is sliced and made into dainty triangular sandwiches — with the crusts cut off !
25 In fact , a graphic series of pictures I 'm viewing of Koons getting it on with his 35-year-old fiancé are being made into paintings , sculpture and have even inspired a film .
26 Carbon is taken from the air by plants and stored , made into ethanol , put through the engine and released to air again — no net gain .
27 The Skylon was made into ashtrays .
28 When he came out , Kahn was advancing the thesis that thermo-nuclear war had to be made into a practical proposition , because a totally disarmed world which renounced war was unbelievable .
29 As Larry Speakes , the president 's press spokesman , put it , ‘ I always had the impression that … as ( Ollie ) flew across the country he could visualize a camera on him , and although nobody knew who he was and his mission was secret , the whole thing was being made into a movie . ’
30 One cabin had been made into a pottery , others had council murals daubed over them .
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