Example sentences of "got my " in BNC.

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1 They have n't even got my benefits sorted out .
2 ‘ I have n't got my Heath shoes on , ’ said Francis .
3 ‘ I tell myself she 's got my number — in more ways than one .
4 Duncan buried himself in the paper and with an air of finality he said , — Well I 've got my job here and I 'm happy with it .
5 ‘ For Christ 's sake , Sid , I 've just got my head down .
6 Good old Nick , I thought , now I 've got my old job back on direct account of him .
7 I 've got my grief .
8 I 've got my sphyg in the car . ’
9 I 've got my own life to lead . ’
10 I wish I 'd got my woolly hat .
11 And anyway , I ai n't got my yellow card on me .
12 ‘ I 've got my curlers in ready for tonight ’
13 The first number we did was ‘ I 've Got My Mojo Working ’ and the people in there were n't quite sure what was going on .
14 Now ‘ I 've Got My Mojo Working ’ does n't go down with everyone , but at that time there were a few people around who did like that kind of stuff , and we were hopefully appealing to them . ’
15 So , when they 'd finished performing I 've Got My Mojo Working , I pointed out to David that these people did n't really appreciate their music and David , being the sensitive soul that he is , burst into tears .
16 ‘ I 've got my car in .
17 I 've got my eye on some nice paper with birds on .
18 ‘ Tenants or no tenants , I 've got my job to do .
19 I 've got my accounts to do .
20 Looking forward to the circus , but could I ask you not to throw me to the lions until I 've got my accounts in order ?
21 ‘ I 've got my sandwiches ’ he said holding up a soggy parcel .
22 ‘ I 've got my dandelion wine . ’
23 I 've got my foot trapped under a lump of concrete ! ’
24 I have n't had a period for over a year , and although sometimes I think to myself ‘ I 'm all right really ’ , then I remember I have n't got my periods back and I realise that it 's not as simple as it seems .
25 When I had got my breath back , I said , ‘ Yes , we can , but it will cost three times as much and the Party will have to be responsible for getting people to come to it . ’
26 ‘ I told her I 'd got my sights set on a high-born heiress and she damned near scratched my eyes out .
27 Speaking last night from the motel in Kelowna , 400 miles north of Vancouver , where she has lived on and off for the last three years , Mrs Allan said : ‘ I am not coming home until I have got my child .
28 I 've got my eye on you .
29 I 've got my ornithology , my Lost City trips — places where no white man 's been .
30 I 've got my family and there 's more to life than money . ’
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