Example sentences of "work may " in BNC.

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1 If drama schools do not incorporate a stage management course , basic lectures and some participation in production work may take place in the senior terms .
2 His distaste for such work may be seen from the fact that Breavman refers to the ( infrequently visited ) lecture rooms of Columbia by saying to Krantz : ‘ Nothing smells more like a slaughterhouse than a graduate seminar .
3 Other types of work may qualify for a discretionary grant , which means it is up to the council whether you get a grant .
4 As it is , he slyly suggests that minor artists may look down their noses at major ones and that ‘ important ’ work may be left to persons of an inferior kennel , like the Russians , the Germans , the Americans , who , poor dears , know no better .
5 Candidates using them for project or course work may have an advantage if spelling is one of the skills being tested .
6 For one thing , the gallery knows very well which other collectors may be interested in making a purchase ; for another , the gallery , since it represents the artist , likes to have some control over where a major work may be placed .
7 ‘ Tradition and the Individual Talent ’ is grounded on the idea that ‘ not only the best , but the most individual parts of his [ an author 's ] work may be those in which the dead poets , his ancestors , assert their immortality most vigorously ’ .
8 This work may start early in the day as is local practice and can occur at any time of the season .
9 I think there are many American teachers who would agree with me , but those kinds of ‘ packs ’ have an unfortunate way of creeping onto the desks of teachers who do not know any better and the resulting work may not only be irrelevant but harmful .
10 Johnny Marr 's guitar work may have been a stable basis of listenability but it was Morrissey 's release from years of repressed loser attitudes which made The Smiths so special .
11 For the young patient with a stroke or head injury , work may be found in specialized government sheltered workshops , where disabled workers have facilities and staff tailored for them .
12 The North East area CAB was disappointed , however , that differences of opinion on definitions may mean that the full thrust of NACAB 's social policy work may not be put behind this motion .
13 But there is also an awareness that the growth of in-depth work may be changing the nature of the CAB service and there is renewed debate on the desirability of this new image .
14 Although his work may not be rated as true poetry by the purists , no one else has ever caught the spell of the Yukon as well as Robert W. Service .
15 Such work may be on an individual or group project basis .
16 Certain aspects of centres ' work may have been less successful than others ( there was a considerable and unproductive stress on making inefficient ‘ cheap ’ material such as bead microscopes ) and some centres like Nsukka , Nairobi , Domasi and Njala were more active than others but the overall record in terms of creation of exciting relevant material based on children 's experience is indeed impressive .
17 Yet again the official syllabus and scheme of work may recommend the purchase and use of local materials gathered from the local environment when official administrative regulations preclude the headmaster from purchasing these and fail to provide him with any facilities for storing them once he has obtained them .
18 The company is reviewing its advertising account , held by Euro RSCG 's below-the-line subsidiary KLP , and it is thought new work may attempt to recruit new cardholders .
19 Because of this the training given may be spasmodic and may follow no organised pattern , the trainee only being taught items as and when the need occurs , whilst some areas of the work may be neglected altogether , and never be officially taught to the trainee .
20 Traps to do this work may be purchased .
21 In any one year Jacqueline 's work may involve the preparation of a show , several commissions , the writing of a few articles , and organisation of the Summer School .
22 Therefore , a work may be easy in one respect and hard in others ; for example , Silkin 's short poem ‘ The Worm ’ is straightforward as far as the vocabulary and sentence structure are concerned but , even so , the meaning of the poem is by no means transparent .
23 Things may not be as bad as they seem , and some thorough maintenance work may give your existing windows a new lease of life and save you a lot of money .
24 Making a machine work may be mostly ‘ feel ’ , but that ‘ feel ’ has to be translated through the mind and conveyed to the machine . ’
25 Travel to and from work may have been combined with other activities , or with a knowledge of other activities going on around them .
26 Hours of work may be difficult to reconcile with the needs of the old person .
27 His friend fears the difficult work may overtax his weak brain .
28 He probably revised it as it went along and his recurring use of various kinds of lists as a basis for the structure of the work may well reflect Dr Battie 's influence .
29 Thus , while Tough 's work may provide some interesting ideas for dealing with functional aspects of spontaneous speech , it may be less than entirely satisfactory as a means of obtaining reliable and objective assessment information .
30 Cinema-goers emerging into the night following a presentation of the aforementioned work may , at one time , have been justified in the belief that the film would be available on video by the time they got home .
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