Example sentences of "does more " in BNC.

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1 Stavrogin s prodigal scattering of reasons does more than leave the question open .
2 Basic it still is ; even so it does more than many scientific calculators , and release 2 computes faster , has a proper menu structure , EGA colour capability and is generally bullet-proof .
3 Officers are supposed to work 150 hours a month , but Frances , 27 , does more .
4 He says the variable pattern of snowfall does more to affect the figures than anything else .
5 This is justified by his belief that abstractionism does more than obscure the truth of immaterialism .
6 does more than suggest that the employer 's demands are unfair .
7 Rather than being sustained by a vibrant , developing , experimental tradition , the revolutions of modernism may simply have been absorbed by an engrained , infrangible , realist tradition which rarely does more than appropriate a few of the more alluring additions Joyce and others made to ‘ the international store of literary technique ’ .
8 But the shaper is more than a surgeon or scientist or sculptor : he does more than repair or re-form : he energizes inert matter , turning a slab of foam into a fibreglass dolphin .
9 One of the chief attractions of the Reader 's Digest DOUBLE PAYOUT PLAN , however , is that it does more than offer you family financial security in the event of your death .
10 Ironically , a formal process of strategic planning often does more to inhibit than to enhance innovative conceptual thinking … .
11 Despite the fact that Nicholas does more charity work than most young players and in spite of his regular visits to see sick children at Great Ormond Street Hospital , the image died hard .
12 On looking back , I now realise that corporal punishment , if administered justly and wisely , does more good than harm .
13 His book does more than attempt to give comfort to those who have been bereaved .
14 Mike does more switching than anybody .
15 Says a German publisher : ‘ Britain 's class system does more to hold back its real entrepreneurs than anything else .
16 The hospital does more for Britons in a week than Windsor does in a decade .
17 But listening does more than that , it gives you a chance to learn and to get things into context .
18 Of course , there are times when a greater sense of control does more than simply enhance the driving experience .
19 He does more than an ordinary caretaker would do at the small plastics company where he has worked for years .
20 When you knit with the main bed alone , the sinker plate does more than hold the yarn ; it holds the knitting back against the machine while the needles move forward .
21 Unlike a computer the brain does more than receive information .
22 Clearly , the method does more than that , by allowing us to infer how the various attributes affect the price of a drawing : could the subject change the price of a drawing ; how does provenance or technique used affect prices , etc .
23 The comprehensive text does more than ample justice to the illustrations .
24 There may have been personal antipathy involved , although Mancini 's account reads rather like an attempt to rationalize a hostility which he could not explain — as does More 's bland assertion that women commonly hate their husband 's best friends .
25 Like most snakes it can disarticulate its lower jaw from its upper when confronted with a particularly large meal , but it does more than that .
26 If externalism is a sound stance , then the argument from error is irrelevant ; for it does no more than elaborate on a defective ( though traditional ) approach to epistemology or if it does more , it succeeds only in showing how that defective approach must lead to scepticism .
27 It could do good but it does more bad
28 Once more , you want to aim with your research not just to acquire enough facts spread over your pages to give a feeling of the times , but to acquire so many that you have enough and to spare and can choose among your store for the one that does more than merely give a notion of the time you are writing about .
29 Madeleine does more or less whatever she wants . ’
30 The second approach does more than answer the privity of contract objection : it refutes its basic premise .
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