Example sentences of "more [be] " in BNC.

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1 Tragically , more are becoming HIV infected , and many of those we care for with AIDS today were infected as teenagers .
2 One such command is COPY , and two more are BACKUP and RESTORE .
3 Transplant programmes are being held back because of a shortage of donor organs , and more are urgently needed .
4 In total one can only marvel at the numerous stations opened in the 1980s and it is pleasing to note that many more are in the pipeline .
5 Up to 300 more are planned over the next four years , under a plan to help parents on the bank 's payroll .
6 This is the first of Finnish director Aki Kaurismaki 's films to open here , but not the last : two more are lining up for release in the next six months .
7 Some 150,000 Jews , Armenians and ethnic Germans have come to the US since 1975 , and 80,000 more are expected over the next year .
8 Up to 100,000 thousand wild orchids are exported every year from Asia , and many thousands more are imported into America from countries such as Peru .
9 Returns of 12 per cent and more are on offer from banks and building societies while the rate of inflation — even taking into account this latest mortgage rate rise — is around 7.5 per cent .
10 How far unions are binding , how far they are exclusive , how long they last , whether they bind men and women equally , whether sexual unions are public or merely private matters , whether the recognition of unions is inevitably linked with the legitimation of children — all these questions and many more are so variable that many anthropologists would argue that is not possible to give a valid universal definition of marriage [ Leach , 1961 ] .
11 Boxing is certainly a business ; great fortunes are made and more are kept than before .
12 Many more are awaiting follow-on air-land sorties , along with the large numbers of vehicles and stores that were not delivered with the initial assaults .
13 No more are they carefree .
14 Some are dyed-in-the-wool environmentalists , many are businesspeople with tourist interests , but many more are ordinary people .
15 But many more are crippled by the disease .
16 Amounts like these , and more are urgently needed .
17 Many more are expected to cross today , which for most is not a working day .
18 More than 7,000 jobs were moved in 1989 and almost 20,000 more are due over the next two years with the government in the van , say researchers Jones Lang Wootton in a survey published yesterday .
19 In France , for instance , where there are no incentives for employers to take on part-timers ( in the form of our lower National Insurance contributions and lack of rights and benefits for part-timers ) and far more extensive subsidised childcare facilities and parental leave , far fewer mothers work part time and more are in higher status occupations , according to the Department of Employment 's French And British Women 's Employment Comparisons .
20 The most tangible signs of this tendency to borrow more are highlighted in the Central Statistical Office 's Social Trends 1989 , which showed that household expenditure exceeded income in 1986 and 1987 for the first time since compilation of the information began .
21 The most tangible signs of this tendency to borrow more are highlighted in the Central Statistical Office 's Social Trends 1989 , which showed that household expenditure exceeded income in 1986 and 1987 for the first time since compilation of the information began .
22 Several hundred more are thought to die each year in gill-net fisheries in northern Argentina , and at least 250 were reported incidentally taken in Brazilian fisheries in 1983 .
23 In addition to the several hundred harbour porpoises which die each year in the set-net fishery in Canada and the north-eastern US , as many as a thousand more are dying in set-nets in the North Sea and Greenland .
24 The ecclesiasticism that so often gets in the way of the gospel ; the temporal concerns of church politics that take up so much time ; the fussiness of much of church life ; our obsession with ‘ churchy ’ things — all these and more are aspects of additions that are really secondary concerns .
25 Although many artefacts are made of pure metals , rather more are made of alloys .
26 ‘ I believe this is the only country in which there has been a national acknowledgment of God 's directing Providence in the cholera , and I believe it is not a mere outward form but that more and more are becoming every day religious . ’
27 The localization of material in the egg accounts for some of the differences between cells , and more are explained by induction , when folded sheets of cells come into contact .
28 TENS of thousands of Slavs have gone , and more are on their way .
29 Two cases have been referred to arbitration , up to six more are the subject of court action .
30 Complaints by patients against two more are being investigated and three others have been cleared .
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