Example sentences of "know a " in BNC.

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1 Acting is not a profession where you can simply stroll on — although I know a lot of fine actors have done that .
2 ‘ I 've been here before so I know a little bit .
3 The Dockerty family have been growing hops since Tudor times and know a thing or two about them .
4 But Jews know a good thing when they taste it and alighted on the herring because it was inexpensive , piquant , nutritious and versatile .
5 It 's not possible really to understand Eastern Europe now unless you know a little bit about its history for the last 150 years . ’
6 Beth thought it was something to do with the heat haze but I know a centaur when I see one .
7 There was the public humiliation of being dropped from the side ; the autocratic style of managers , who were themselves as afraid and insecure as their players ; the refusal to let good players use their natural talent to play , forcing them through repetitive training ‘ systems ’ and naïve ‘ game plans ’ ; the petty jealousies of the players , their hierarchies , and childish pranks ; the fear of the new signing , who has to be included at the expense of an old friend ; the view of a match from ‘ the inside ’ when you know a team-mate does not want the ball but wants it to look as if you will not give it to him .
8 I know a church in Tappersdorf .
9 ‘ I 've met so-called intelligent people before , ’ he said in a challenging way , ‘ and I know a lot of questions that can baffle them . ’
10 These rural people know a great deal about the land issue and agriculture , but the implications of a one party state do not affect them directly .
11 It is wonderful to have this array of foods accessible to us , but it is even more exciting when you know a little about the food , how it is produced , how to prepare it and how it should be served .
12 The Dolphin People shamans know a complex series of whistles that signal the dolphins to venture close to shore .
13 Besides , they will not be put off because they know a bargain when they see one .
14 I know a whore when I see one . ’
15 ‘ You know a lot about them . ’
16 ‘ Surely you know a pigeon ? ’
17 Like you know a lot of those old people round there .
18 It was of course simple mischance that this rat-tat should happen , even though the kiosk is not so far as I know a particularly busy one .
19 This is true , and no one can say they know a score , however well it may be known in the mind , until it has been tried on the orchestra .
20 I know a racket when I smell one .
21 ‘ I know a decent little joint , ’ said Biff , perking up .
22 ‘ I know a lady lawyer who can get you off , even if you 've been going round the shops buying poison , ’ he said .
23 And there is a high proportion of people who know a good deal about what they are looking at and may even have seen it before .
24 ‘ I do n't go to photocalls or to anywhere I know a mass of photographers are going to be .
25 ‘ You 're out of date because you know a lot ’ , one of his colleagues tells him .
26 I know a lot of smackheads .
27 ‘ I know a room full of spare tyres .
28 We know a good deal now about the way in which the genes act . ’
29 They are bringing their children to a school about which they already know a great amount and have decided that it meets their needs .
30 ‘ I do n't suppose you know a lot about literary criticism , do you ? ’
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