Example sentences of "over children " in BNC.

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1 Articulate middle-class women in the nineteenth century were certainly more concerned with gaining increased autonomy and control — over children and property — within marriage , than with access to divorce .
2 Household implied authority — of men over women , of adults over children , of the senior adult man over all others .
3 As for the subtlety , that seemed quite alien to the woman who coochy-cooed over children she wanted to mutilate .
4 The spectacle of adults fighting legal battles over children is by no means confined to cases of surrogacy , although at present these will run an increased risk of litigation .
5 ‘ I write of power being destructive and parents had absolute power over children in those days .
6 For over a decade he strode like a colossus over children 's TV , manfully climbing mountains , bravely jumping out of aeroplanes , ruggedly falling off bob-sleighs .
7 Spectacular victories were won over children 's diseases .
8 Although the guidance may provoke some concerns over children 's rights , it is likely to be widely welcomed .
9 Legal authority over children was vested in kin until the demand , engendered by the industrial revolution , for cheap factory labour from children ( Alcock and Harris , 1982 ; Morris et al. ,
10 The identification of family authority over children with the interests of the state is strongly aligned with the political view that the family should be encouraged to accept total responsibility for its members .
11 While a broad historical trend was noted towards the limitation of the once near-absolute rights of parents over children by state agencies , with the declared objective of protecting the child 's interests and welfare , it seemed that in recent policies a number of different themes could be identified , involving potentially conflicting values and assumptions about children , parents , the state and the rights and roles of different parties in the child care situation .
12 They may also have had misgivings about the power and influence of residential staff over children , and the potential abuses which could and sometimes do occur .
13 Contests over children 's entrance into and exit from the care of the state are moving from administrative to judicial control .
14 The next extract by Urie Bronfenbrenner ( 1.6 ) is taken from his comparative study of child-rearing in the Soviet Union and the USA , in which he argues that the status of the American family has diminished , that it is losing its influence over children .
15 It was characteristic of many teaching methods used with children experiencing learning difficulties during the 1970s and 1980s that they entailed more control by the teacher over children 's learning than was typical in mainstream classrooms ( Wood and Shears 1986 ) .
16 Thus teachers and social workers exercise social control over children and ‘ problem ’ members of society .
17 For Firestone the alternative is to supplant Freudianism ( and , by extension , psychotherapy ) with an explicit acknowledgement of socially constructed and reproduced power ; especially power of men over women and power of parents over children .
18 A woman who caused a row when she applied for a teaching job under a false identity has now joined the debate over children 's reading .
19 ‘ An issue that is consistently swept under the carpet is the power adults can have over children when they give their stories of what has happened to them , ’ said Prof Turner .
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