Example sentences of "on new " in BNC.

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1 The two main additional floors are largely carried on new masonry crosswalls which are , in turn , carried on their own new strip-footing foundations .
2 The KGB has survived and is even taking on new tasks , such as distributing western food aid .
3 Added to this is the inevitable realization of elderly people that they are less able to build new friendships , make new relationships , take on new responsibilities and tasks .
4 Many of the biggest companies are refusing to take on new clients with such cars , and are jacking up the premiums on existing business .
5 There is a risk that people will become over cautious unwilling to rock the boat and upset others by taking on new ideas .
6 Editorially in The New Age she had encouraged and brought on new poets and writers .
7 When Old Testament psalms such as this one were sung in the New Testament church , they took on new meaning , although the old promises were still there , ready to be fulfilled in the lives of the worshippers .
8 Prayer within a family takes on new focus and gives new prospects , when the love of God flows through it all .
9 Our human dignity of being made in the image and likeness of God takes on new meaning .
10 The usage of ‘ race ’ during the September-October 1985 period took on new meanings , which had little if anything to do with the impact of racism as such , since the emphasis was on the cultural characteristics of the minority communities themselves .
11 When a practice enters new markets , or takes on new clients or unfamiliar types of work , accurate costing becomes even more important than in more conventional activities .
12 Since the powers of the European Parliament were enhanced by the Single European Act in July 1987 , lobbying of MEPs and the European Parliament 's committees has taken on new significance .
13 She slumps back on the floor , still finding it nearly impossible to speak as every word that emerges takes on new lives and dimensions of its own .
14 Berry , Buck , Miles and Stipe exchanged instruments for parts of ‘ Green ’ , but here the whole writing , rehearsal and recording process sees them taking on new roles within their democracy .
15 Some is there because owners did not pass on new addresses when they moved .
16 RECRUITING IN A RECESSION Taking on new staff is rarely a company priority in a recession , but The Freshman Consultancy has established itself in the recruitment business in spite of the current climate
17 Empowerment , which has its roots in the US , has taken on new significance recently as American corporations try to find a way to compete more effectively with the Japanese .
18 Words are taking on new meanings .
19 Words are taking on new meanings : ‘ workers ’ are those who talk the loudest , and the honest worker who shows the slightest independence is a ‘ traitor to his class ’ .
20 The aircraft serve to show the incredible adaptability of the design to take on new roles and new shapes .
21 As a headteacher of a state primary school I was immediately aware that I would be asking the staff who worked with me to take on new responsibilities .
22 It has strengthened links between school and college , it encourages dialogue , it gives opportunity to classroom teachers to develop new skills and to take on new responsibilities .
23 The architectural design of the Tripartite Shrine takes on new layers of meaning once the column is seen as an idol or as an actual incarnation of a deity .
24 It is , in our view , more important to forge a whole school policy than to take on new practices piecemeal .
25 The capital from the share issue will be used to strengthen the company 's infrastructure — by buying new computers , for example , and taking on new staff .
26 Far from fading away , public interest in BCCI took on new life on May 24th .
27 The second is that staff who transfer from hospitals to the community change their attitudes toward their charges , taking on new enabling and nurturing rather than rule-enforcing and limit-setting care roles .
28 Our travellers also noticed that the highly profitable Japanese office automation lines , sold in the home market and historically proprietary , are now taking on new Unix guises .
29 It is in the nature of a goal oriented specialty to take on new tasks , which has often been necessary in the past .
30 Metropolitan takes on new medievalists
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