Example sentences of "on to " in BNC.

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1 After spending some time , often years , with us , people move on to other things and we need to fill the gaps . ’
2 A similar course held at the beginning of the year in Brasov , attended by sixty people including teachers , nurses and doctors , was particularly encouraging as much of the material was , in turn , passed on to other colleagues for their use .
3 From the letters we have been receiving this year it appears that the Jehovah 's Witness from Greece Andreas Christodoulou has been passing some of the cards on to his colleagues who are also imprisoned Jehovah 's witnesses , who want to correspond with people in the U.K. Fortunately we have someone in the office who has been able to translate their letters .
4 Art is a human activity consisting in this , that one man consciously by means of certain external signs , hands on to others feelings he has lived through , and that others are infected by these feelings and also experience them .
5 Any reader is entitled to ask what purpose such national anthologies serve ; their best justification is making art more accessible , enabling those living artists represented to find and hold on to audiences for their work .
6 The first and most obvious difficulty is that a three-dimensional object can not fit satisfactorily on to a flat page .
7 This was Ursula of the long blonde hair and double-barrelled baronial-barbaric surname ( withheld by Behrens ) , who had fled what survived of ancestral estates — on one view of the matter — and had made her courageous way across Europe , shot at and winged by border guards , to Vienna , and on to London , where she fell among art historians and was counselled by Anthony Blunt .
8 On to Bamako , then eastward into Upper Volta through Bobo Djoulasso and Ouagadougou .
9 The Special Squads were the Nazis ' ‘ most demonic crime ’ , representing ‘ an attempt to shift on to others — specifically the victims — the burden of guilt , so that they were deprived even of the solace of innocence ’ .
10 Harold Pinter occupies a unique place in contemporary theatre as a distinctive stylist , and I suggest you read some of his early short plays like The Room and The Dumb Waiter before going on to his major plays like The Birthday Party and The Caretaker .
11 Too many legs on ballroom floors , crowding each other out on to the pavements .
12 Exactly that , although God knows confidence is difficult enough to hold on to .
13 In its effort to avoid all church mediation of the revealed word of God , the fundamentalist version relies on the literal interpretation of the Bible , but one which imposes a contemporary Western culture on to the different perceptions of a past culture .
14 Ulster protestantism is not contained within churches but spills out on to the streets .
15 At least the telly has n't yet cottoned on to the dogs , I told him , but he said in Mexico it had .
16 And the reverse of that , wrote Harsnet , the feeling that all we have already felt and seen and heard has yet to happen , is so far only a dream , a fantasy , and the sense , he wrote , that this may be a feeling we experience again and again throughout our lives , that the elements of experience have failed to catch on to the glass of our lives , or that the glass is there and waiting for the experience to be registered , that it can wait for ever , for it does not know the meaning of time .
17 My son , he wrote , moving on to a new page , my son , who is a keen footballer and a passionate supporter of our local team , Brighton and Hove Albion ( the Seagulls ) , was surprised the other day when , looking in on one of the team 's training sessions in the sports pavilion of the University of Sussex , he .
18 Two tired men holding on to each other to stop themselves falling down .
19 Time we all moved on to Mars .
20 Countless independent ‘ free house ’ owners have copied brewers ' fashions and wrought untold havoc with unassuming old country pubs before moving on to pastures new .
21 Everything stored in the memory of a computer can be copied on to removable diskettes .
22 When the invoice comes in for payment , this is copied on to the system as well , and Caterdata first searches for the equivalent delivery note to check that Brown is being charged for the right goods .
23 Catering & Allied came up with a novel solution : copy the stock file on to one of the two 128k data packs which fit into the back of a Psion Organiser , update that file ‘ on the hoof ’ ; and copy the updated file back to the desktop computer .
24 If the system disagrees with the figure entered it will challenge it — otherwise it moves on to the next item .
25 Brown will probably be involved in passing it on to other sites as well as to colleagues at the Morgan Grenfell operation .
26 Within T IS , too , the work which was done to bring Caterdata and the Psion together can now be sold on to other Caterdata customers , and a section explaining how Psion works has been added to the Caterdata manual .
27 The base on to which the silver is electroplated is a mix of nickel , copper and zinc , called nickel silver , although there is no silver in the alloy .
28 At least some of the extra cost of stockholding is likely to be passed on to the caterer .
29 ‘ Afterwards I went on to peeling vegetables .
30 When tasted and corrected , the mousse is piped on to the fillets which are then carefully folded back together .
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