Example sentences of "her on " in BNC.

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1 The correspondent explained : ‘ I discharged her , stifling the temptation to congratulate her on her poor husband fallen in the war . ’
2 They laid her on the couch , Jack huddled at her side .
3 ‘ I know that , ’ said Wendy Witherington placidly , ‘ but you 're my brother and that 's the same as my knowing her on her knowing me . ’
4 I did all the usual stuff — I gave her some money and stuck her on a tube train to a night shelter , but while I was walking out of the tube station , I thought to myself , ‘ you complacent bitch ’ ’ you know .
5 Now she knew how to tease and tantalise her , hold her on the brim of honeydew euphoria then flood her wordless yearning with a Niagara of delirium .
6 Jamie called her Ug the Cavewoman , Francis had tried talking with her on many occasions :
7 He stopped and turned her towards him and tried to kiss her on the mouth .
8 Gillian took a sip of wine , put the glass down on the table in front of her on top of the brochure from the dating agency , slipped off her shoes and curled her feet up under her on the sofa .
9 Gillian took a sip of wine , put the glass down on the table in front of her on top of the brochure from the dating agency , slipped off her shoes and curled her feet up under her on the sofa .
10 ‘ So you 're a fucking Commie , ’ he said to her on her return .
11 I asked Jeanne to find as many friends as possible to accompany her on walks with Moby , and to give them control of the lead and take him away to explore without her if they felt confident .
12 So to sort the thing out : Stavrogin has designs on the child ; he kisses her hand , puts her on his knee , whispers to her .
13 Timothy Jack Robson , 28 , a friend from schooldays who is also deaf , has denied murdering her on 28 June 1988 .
14 The medical report shown to the court from the King 's Lynn Health Authority on the girl 's mental faculties assessed her on a variety of indicators , including mental arithmetic , reading ages , concepts , and spelling .
15 She was a professional dancer at 12 ; her father partnered her on stage and , according to this book , did far worse to her off it .
16 Ms Leaming tells it all with vim , though the gossip turns her on far more than the movies : ‘ Aly practised an Eastern art of love known as Imsak , which allowed him to exercise indefinite control … ’
17 At the end , the photographer kissed her on both cheeks .
18 Renko takes his pleasure with her on the floor of a very small cabin — his only good break in a grim round of murders and chilblains .
19 Olshan makes Susan a powerful , smart , sensual woman moving surefootedly through the opulent Westchester County jungle where the Kaplans live : she issues orders to the au pair , knows the Manhattan-Hartsdale train times , and deals honestly with a husband who has taken a sexual vacation from her on the very afternoon of the Rosen drowning .
20 Rosen was introduced to Katharine Hamnett by John May , a Face journalist who worked with her on the ill-fated Tomorrow , a magazine that was to be , bravely , ‘ a mix of fashion and politics ’ .
21 Of the twenty original members it is likely that only two ( Sir Keith Joseph and Airey Neave ) voted for her on the first ballot for the leadershiP election in 1975 .
22 Occasionally she half hoped to see him again , she would find herself watching faces rising towards her on the escalator of the Tube and wonder what she would feel if one of those faces were suddenly to be his .
23 This was the corner to which she had tottered , her mother holding her on white leather reins , her legs encased in knitted leggings whose scratchiness she could still remember .
24 But while these were unfortunate , and inclined to make Rachel crumple up her forehead and lecture her on the scientific method and the importance of mental clarity , there was no real danger in such remarks .
25 ‘ Still , he met her and went to see her on Sunday . ’
26 Contact her on 0454 320522 .
27 Although I take her on short trips to the shops , she ca n't cope with going too far from the house .
28 Then I imagine she turns round and I lean over and kiss her on the mouth .
29 Turning to Omi , skilfully bringing her into the conversation , and complimenting her on the way the venison had been cooked .
30 Charles took to Diana that weekend and began seeing her on a regular basis when they returned to London .
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