Example sentences of "her through " in BNC.

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1 He led her through the crowded flat to the kitchen and poured her a glass of wine .
2 They had not approved of the baby ; they had thought Phoebe negligent at best for getting pregnant and not taking appropriate action ; they had chivvied her through the later months of her pregnancy with a mixture of indulgence and irritation , cross both that she was pregnant and that she was n't taking it seriously .
3 Erika and Paul went , Paul politely , solicitously , opening the door for Erika and waving her through first , although it was a tight squeeze in the tiny vestibule , and at the bus-stop , in a bizarre parody of good manners , insisting that Erika stand in front of him .
4 These are the people who have seen her through the difficult times , who have helped her adjust to the life before her and who have kept her in touch with the real world .
5 It was entirely our responsibility and that evening to well past midnight Leon and I took her through the changes until she was satisfied that she knew the policy thoroughly .
6 He joined her in the kitchen , and she saw that the descriptions which had reached her through the field telegraph and by which she had recognised him , were accurate .
7 Bella peered at her through the dark .
8 He trailed along behind her through the sand dunes , along the edge of the tidal salt marsh .
9 The cat began to stalk her through the blade-broad iris leaves with such solemnity that she laughed and paused even longer , to play with him , and was cheered .
10 His last words , flung over his shoulder at her through the cold , stinging spray , were :
11 Gilly could feel Miss Ellis 's fingers on her backbone gently prodding her through the doorway and into the house .
12 As he turned his attention to a woman who was fumbling with her purse , I ducked my head and squeezed behind her through the door and into the crowded bus .
13 I push her through the door .
14 There was no readable expression on her face , but Marjorie felt an unease as she looked at her , as though the woman were watching her through narrowed lids .
15 Perhaps it was at that same party that Marevna , who stayed until dawn , saw Modigliani and Beatrice fighting ferociously until Modi grabbed her and flung her through a closed window .
16 Jane had heard sounds of violence coming from the Shill 's room on several occasions , and she knew that in early October , shortly before their arrival , Maria had complained to the police after sustaining a broken collar bone when Joseph pushed her through a window .
17 Wilcox continued to stare at her through a cloud of smoke .
18 ‘ Pringle 's used to have a Directors ' Dining Room , with their own cook , ’ Wilcox explained as he led her through the drab corridors of the administration block , and out across a yard where fresh snow was already covering the footpath that had been cleared .
19 How deep such bonds could go is suggested by a Sussex carter 's grandson who had been ‘ very happy ’ as a child brought up by his grandparents , ‘ much attached ’ to them , and who writes of how he later found a house for his ageing grandmother close to his own and nursed her through her last illness : ‘ no mother could have been more kind . ’
20 When she spent all night every night watching her clientele , her boys , it was for this ; she was waiting for her chosen ones , the last of her protegés , her perfect couple , her two to see her through the dark times .
21 I took her through school , I sent her to college , I married her off and then I made her take her own life .
22 The central figure is the child , Little Nell , who deeply engaged the sympathies of contemporary readers as they followed her through the hardships of her pilgrimage , made in company with the senile grandfather whom she strives to protect , from the London curiosity shop to the sanctuary of a village where her sufferings end in a peaceful death .
23 ‘ We 're nearly there , ’ he said soothingly , and a few moments later he escorted her through the elaborate palm Court which was the entrance to the Royal Hotel .
24 Harriet hardly dared blink as she watched her through the viewfinder , terrified she might miss the moment she was waiting for .
25 For the first time in her life she felt as if the veil had been stripped from her idol and she was looking at the real person who hid away inside a beautiful body , seeing her through the eyes of others who had no family love for her to colour what they saw .
26 ‘ I thought we 'd go for a drive and put her through her paces , ’ he suggested .
27 He saw her through a gilt-framed mirror on the opposite wall , and that first glimpse of her brought him more joy than a dozen Christmases put together .
28 It had an iron gate almost indistinguishable from the railings , and he preceded her through it to the front door which was centrally placed between tall windows , with a bow window above it belonging to the bedroom they would be sharing .
29 It was as he escorted her through the hall that he quietly suggested a drink after work .
30 She inches to the edge of the bed , he follows ; she lies on her back , his hand attempts to part her furiously dry lips ; she wraps herself in the sheet , the tense warmth of his body suffocates her doubly ; she leaps up and goes to the lavatory , he watches her through the glass wall .
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