Example sentences of "her an " in BNC.

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1 It must have taken her an awful lot to write those words , and they were why I felt I could go back and see her now .
2 As I gave her an exaggerated account of my clashes with different members of my family , she continued to discourage me , saying that the work in London was hard and that exile was no easy way of life .
3 The record company prepared her an exhaustive schedule which made it impossible for her to give Fletch the attention he deserved so , reluctantly , she gave him to friends .
4 On 27 May 1988 the magazine published an account of a social occasion at Mrs Gorman 's flat , attributing to her an ‘ unseemly and offensive ’ remark .
5 It cost her an effort to let him have his way and his will of her .
6 He had given her an egg ; an orange egg about four inches long and made , of all things , of soap .
7 He looked at the bag , the shoes , the platinum watch and , more than anything , he sensed about her an air , almost repellent , of arrogance .
8 Fritz gave her an earnest look which was , if anything , even more ghastly and idiotic than his grin .
9 During the succeeding weeks he had not written — except to send her an enigmatic note warning her to keep away .
10 Liz Taylor 's courage in playing a woman older and ( then ) fatter than herself in Who 's Afraid of Virginia Woolf ? ( 1966 ) was enough in itself to win her an Oscar .
11 Jane found her an exhausting girl ( she was twenty-six ) and yet she was sorry for her .
12 He showed concern for her and gave her an old , baggy sweater of his to put over the other garments .
13 The period of separation from her husband not only gives her an opportunity for physical recuperation , but also gives the couple a chance to relate to each other in a non-physical way .
14 He hesitated to spoil the mood by being inquisitive , though he wanted so much to gain her confidence ; to make her an ally in the search for the truth — if there was a truth .
15 Only it still managed to give her an excuse not to look at him .
16 But then , I have never found her an easy person .
17 Well then , he 'd give her an outing , he 'd bring her here and she could enjoy herself , have a tea , go home by train or bus , whichever she chose .
18 ‘ How did it go ? ’ she asked me , as Rozanov gave her an especially tender hug .
19 Difficult though it was for her , however , are we entitled to assume that her French upbringing was bound to give her an adverse picture of her Scottish kingdom , and that her view was justified ?
20 From that time , he was to direct her education , and to try to instil in her an awareness of statecraft and of the political circumstances and problems not only of her adopted country but of her kingdom .
21 And although the old woman 's premonition was an unhappy one and mention of Daniel caused her an immediate spear of pain , she nevertheless felt purged ; she always felt some elation after being in the company of the story-teller .
22 There 's memorable dialogue in this film , not least in the last scene , which turns Jane Darwell , as Ma Joad , into a spokeswoman for all the oppressed of the Earth and ends the picture on a defiant , upbeat note that rightly won her an Oscar .
23 The gentleman who was impressed by Leapor 's poems has given her an occasion to debunk any notion that intellectual or personal worth can be judged from physical appearance .
24 She had n't become a whore because she wanted to ; it was because the money of perverted old men had offered her an easy way out of poverty — those same old men who would clamour for the investigation to be dropped .
25 The image gave her an awful cold gratification .
26 From my pack I offered her an apple , the only food I had .
27 Yet it never occurred to John , as his mother aged , that she might be in need of any help , until a visitor from Johannesburg , who had known him as a boy , told him that she was hard up , after which lie made her an allowance .
28 Make yerself at 'ome , said Mr Piggott , passing her an out-of-date copy of the parish magazine .
29 She was gesturing about something now , some issue that had excited her , dolphins probably , and as she waved her arms Donald gave her an admiring smile .
30 Her uncle was a slaughterman who had given her an animal on its way to the abattoir .
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