Example sentences of "her [coord] " in BNC.

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1 During a jazzy quartet for the women , the company 's shambling clown is dangerously over-excited by one dancer 's leggy prowess , attempting to nuzzle up against her or to initiate a wildly mismatched pas de deux .
2 I do not know whether we dragons loved her or hated her ; her will was like iron , as fast clad as our scaled hides , but her heart was like a songbird in the morning and she was as lovely as the lilies of the field .
3 You must n't ever try to talk to me about her or I 'll leave the home . ’
4 I did n't really want to marry her or nothing , but I thought , you know , that we was friends like .
5 She 's been a bit funny these last couple of days , like summat 's bothering her or summat .
6 Also note that if your partner earns more than £21.40 the adult dependants increase will not be payable for her or him .
7 Also note that if your partner earns more than £21.40 the adult dependants increase will not be payable for her or him .
8 Also note that if your partner earns more than £21.40 the adult dependants increase will not be payable for her or him .
9 Already , after a few months ' acquaintance , he complained to Harry of ‘ this hideous analysis which so masters me ’ and he tried to express Helen 's profound effect upon him : ‘ I always wonder when I look at her or think of her .
10 It was either her or Lee .
11 He did n't know whether to believe her or not .
12 Sometimes she would ask me to go blackberrying with her or , as she would say , to open a tin of tangerines with her .
13 She seemed so sanguine that he started to enjoy his leave and they all three went off to see Mona in Jermyn Street , who greeted them with her usual generous hospitality , very little of which was at her or their expense , but who had not seen Charles since his transformation from 2nd Lieutenant to Guardsman .
14 He took great care not to touch her or allow his grubby clothes to come into contact with her beautiful skirt and creamy-white blouse .
15 ‘ From where I 'm lying that sounds like another woman saying , it 's me or her or else . ’
16 I had no intention of speaking to her or signalling to her .
17 And because of its anxiety , the stallion will try to mount the mare too soon , or from too far away , and may try and attack her or the handler when things go wrong .
18 Then , when his owner wanted to catch him she would grab the rope which was trailing on the ground , and take possession of his head before he managed to rear up on her or kick her with his hind legs .
19 ‘ She was a simple commodity with a squeaky-clean public image and there was n't still is n't — a kid who did n't want to be like her or a parent who would discourage their children from admiring her . ’
20 ‘ I had n't heard about her or her music before we met .
21 She complained that British men must be homosexual not to make a pass at her or look at her legs .
22 Which type of support a young person receives should be determined entirely by the needs of that person rather than by slotting her or him into inflexible institutional alternatives .
23 This is accounted for by the rather different procedure adopted in child sexual abuse investigations when there is an urgent need to protect the suspected victim and her or his evidence from outside pressure which may well emanate from the victim 's family .
24 Each front-line practitioner was asked to trace the development of the case from her or his point of view .
25 Milan is full of excellent coffee shops and it is better for the visitor to choose what appears to be best for him , her or them .
26 Almost all the evidence of Modigliani 's behaviour in the years with Beatrice comes either from her or from outsiders .
27 She said that it never occurred to her or her husband that her village would be harmed or its people endangered .
28 There were other similarities in character which could be applied then and later in that Dupea was to be portrayed , in many ways , as the bastard who walks out of his family and a pregnant girlfriend , refuses to tell the girl he lives with that he loves her or to play the role of a caring son .
29 I excluded the whole of Scotland because she would have been a little too near home — even in Glasgow there was just the chance that someone might find her or she might bump into someone from home . ’
30 Either she was a Madonna and people did n't give her credit for being one , or else she was trying to be one and people were trying to stop her or possibly she was being forced to be one against her better judgement .
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