Example sentences of "one [pron] " in BNC.

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1 It 's their last song , the one everyone has been waiting for , it 's their biggest hit — it 's a hysterical cock-up .
2 When it comes to moving to a new part of the country , a better standard of living is usually high one everyone 's list .
3 This is the one everyone seems to have except you !
4 Bristol 's Trish Johnson , ranked 19 last year and the one everyone 's watching the tour number one Australian Corrine Dibnah .
5 Cecil , however , was the one everyone wanted to talk to .
6 I 'd give her one meself . ’
7 ‘ I 'm on the verge of being one meself , child , if I had the name of that person who gave Lizzy the drugs I 'd scalp the face off them . ’
8 ‘ Christ , it 's one them white buggers , ’ yelped Billy .
9 In order to communicate , it break itself down into small groups and appoints an in-house trusty to translate the speeches , allowed to be made in only a limited number of major languages ( tip — Portuguese is not one them ) .
10 Especially , now no one them .
11 Subject : Whelan has one me thinks
12 Of course this figure tells one nothing at all about why the material has the strength which it has and whether it ought to be stronger .
13 Is n't it obvious that too many relationships will teach one nothing except that men are much alike ? ’
14 He had used a balance to find the answer and declared : ‘ This one big one , this one little one , this one nothing . ’
15 They were eventually beaten , but only just , as the final score was one nothing .
16 In accordance with the natural role of freedom , men and women are free to accept the one whom they want , to refuse the one they do not want .
17 Friends such as Edward Clodd , who expected Hardy to be relieved by her death in 1912 , found instead that he was overcome with remorse for neglecting one whom he had once loved so well .
18 There is one whom some call the Unicorn and some call by another name . ’
19 ‘ I know the one whom I have trusted , ’ writes Paul from his prison cell , ‘ and am confident of his power to keep safe what he has put into my charge until the great day . ’
20 Jesus , acting as God , is the one whom even wind and sea obey .
21 Simon Peter , of course , is the best known and probably the most popular of Jesus 's original entourage — the one whom tradition has established as virtually synonymous with Christianity itself .
22 Meanwhile a woman who adopts a kairos approach is to see herself as one whom God has now deigned to choose , and privileged at that .
23 He was a prophet in the wilderness , perhaps , but one whom the wilderness had entered and upon which he depended for his terrible denunciations .
24 Sure , there were specialist writers on individual sports who were of unimpeachable quality , but when it came to the Big Event , or the Big Interview , McIlvanney was the one whom we read with both pleasure and despair — emotions generated by the pride at being in the same trade as the main , and by the realization of his supremacy .
25 The kind of wealth which would be displayed in the garments of the Khans and Noyons during the day 's ceremonies was usually a product of oppression of the poor , but on Tarvaras there was no one whom Alexei would have cared to class as under-privileged .
26 He has dwelt with them , but the one whom he promises as another Paraclete will dwell in them ( John 14:17 ) .
27 Just because he had by now become an important agent of the Roman rule , and one whom the Romans trusted , he felt the need of continuing his history from 166 to 146 to show how the Romans had behaved .
28 Pale and slow the one whom they were leading .
29 An extraordinary ambassador of particularly high standing , or one whom it was desired to honour markedly , could be given very valuable jewels and other luxury goods .
30 Crystals are affected by the emotions of everyone who handles them , so to make your chosen one yours , cleanse it by soaking in seawater or dissolve ½ teaspoon of sea salt in warm water and allow to go cold .
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