Example sentences of "after children " in BNC.

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1 A childminder is anybody who looks after children under 5 in her own home , usually while their parents are at work .
2 Will I have to look after children if they are ill ?
3 But many commentators saw only a decline in the desire to rear or look after children , a weakening of the cohesive effects of the family , and an associated diminution of the buoyancy of the stock in terms familiar at least since the Boer War .
4 Audrey has no regrets about her decision , preferring to throw her energies into looking after children .
5 There are various reasons for this misconception ; men are obliged to pray three times a day , and women are exempt from time-related duties , possibly because their loyalties would conflict with running a home and looking after children .
6 Women in particular are badly affected , because they tend to have the lowest paid jobs and to spend several years looking after children .
7 Apart from the short-term respite this offers the families , it provides an opportunity for houseparents ( staff looking after children on a residential basis ) to continue the comprehensive teaching of a full range of social , domestic and academic skills .
8 ‘ Second , however severely handicapped your child is , there are parents looking after children less fortunate than your own and managing incredibly well .
9 The Children 's Bill will make it mandatory for nannies who look after children from several families ( three or more I believe ) to become registered as childminders .
10 It is plain that staying home and looking after children is culturally and economically undervalued by our society .
11 Working and looking after children part-time gives me the best of both worlds .
12 Meanwhile , Walter Sanders expressed indignation at Labour 's scheme to provide nursery schools , not merely because of the cost but because he thought mothers should look after children at that age .
13 Many victims are also having to come to terms with the trauma while looking after children and the elderly in overcrowded refugee camps.Whether rape has been singled out by military commanders as a weapon of war remains open to question , but victims ' testimony suggests the abuse is part of a wider pattern of warfare and ‘ ethnic cleansing ’ .
14 She says : ‘ At the moment , nannies who look after children in their employers ' homes could have a history of the worst child abuse imaginable .
15 His work demonstrates that an older person was much more likely to be taken into the household of a relative if they were able to contribute something in return , for example doing domestic work , or looking after children while their mother went out to a job .
16 ‘ There are more women caring for elderly relatives than looking after children under five but as yet we 've heard little about it .
17 While doing housework they are responsible for children and must know what the children are doing : while looking after children they are almost always involved in housework activities .
18 It was always intended that single men would have their pension rights protected while at home looking after children or dependent relatives , but it was not until the regulations were published in January 1978 that it was clear that married men would be included .
19 Besides , even those who argue that the answer to women 's dependency/op-pression in the home is for them to take outside jobs ( as if the sort of jobs open to most women were in any way more congenial and less exploitative than housework , except in so far as they are paid ) and put their children into publicly funded day-care centres , must surely allow that some women ( as well as men , of course ) would choose freely to look after children , otherwise how are the centres to be staffed ?
20 In future we could extend their kind of insurance benefit to people who are divorced , separated or unmarried and looking after children .
21 Looking after children is certainly not a joint commitment — you 're more likely to garden together than share responsibilities for the children !
22 There will be qualified childminders to look after children on Saturday evening and a special 5-a-side football game is planned .
23 Women , according to this view , are too busy looking after children ( and their husbands and elderly parents ) to participate as fully as men in the labour market .
24 Not only do they have better-paid jobs , but society expects that they should work and , for this reason , they may receive more help with looking after children .
25 can sail into a beautiful old age with enthusiasm for hobbies , taking up new interests of all sorts and I 've taken up skiing after the age of fifty and I 'm , I feel I 'm getting on well with it and this fresh air and and you know , getting out and finding who you really are after , you know , looking after children is is a wonderful thing !
26 Do you think young men think at all about looking after children or or or child care ?
27 The warden of the hostel , also a single parent , clearly had no doubts about Sharon 's ability to look after children .
28 And of these , 8 per cent are looking after children or relatives .
29 Now a DoH-funded project , Looking After Children : Assessing Outcomes in Child Care , aims to bring that ideal closer .
30 Looking After Children contains standardised forms for gathering information , plans and review and six schedules for different age groups , called assessment and action records , to chart children 's progress .
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