Example sentences of "only over " in BNC.

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1 The potential of hoard studies has been realised only over the last century .
2 In the studio , in the early days of tape and LP , Karajan and Legge took immense care , not only over microphone placing and instrumental balance ( some of their old mono recordings sound positively stereophonic ) , but also over the general artistic ambience .
3 It was only over the last six holes that Faldo put a spurt on .
4 The United States , the Soviet Union and other leading member states , all adhered to 242 , disagreeing only over whether Israel should withdraw completely or could insist on minor border rectifications .
5 Thus microclimate effects can have major short-term implications for local populations ( such as those brought about by the photochemical smogs of Los Angeles ) , are often applicable only over areas of a few hectares or less and may operate on a diurnal cycle .
6 In the constitution he goes on to elaborate : the hypothec tacitly covered all property received by the heir or trustee from the estate of the deceased ; the action for the hypothec lay for the same amount as the original actio in personam ; it extended only over property received from the estate and not over any personal property of the heir or trustee .
7 But like the strong force , and unlike the electromagnetic force , the weak force has a finite range : it acts only over distances of the size of a nucleus , about 10–13cm .
8 The outcome was clearly welcomed by those with liberal sentiments : for however much one may deplore the sexual activities of young teenagers , there can surely be little doubt that the protection of such a girl from an unwanted pregnancy must be a matter of primary importance , and , therefore , if need be , have precedence not only over the right of parents to give or withhold consent , but even over the right to information regarding their child , for whom they are legally responsible .
9 Only over the last few months had she noticed the subtle swing of attention away from her towards medical students , or the younger female doctors .
10 In the past New Zealand have insisted that the Cup would be at stake only over a Test series , or in a one-off Test .
11 It is only over the question of Faculty examinations and the associated ‘ grandfathering ’ provisions that there is a material divergence of views between the two bodies .
12 I will not make use of the ransom theory in my retelling of the drama , but I shall cling on to the primitive belief , which I believe to be the correct biblical one , that God 's atonement in incarnation and cross was the crucial victory in the Great Battle not only over sin but also over the Devil and the powers of darkness .
13 Given their portrayal by trade unionists as rich members of the bourgeouisie who were concerned only over the value of their property , they did not expect a sympathetic reception from workers .
14 This view is reinforced by the writings of some of the early church fathers such as St John Chrysostom , who observed that there was no conflict over natural common property such as air , sun , water , earth , sea , light and stars or even man-made common property such as baths , cities , markets and arcades , but only over private property which created what he termed that frigid expression ‘ Thine and Mine ’ .
15 Immediately behind and above the waterfall , the sloping hillside had become a fifty-foot smooth rocky cliff , so that the water poured not only over the edge above , but out into the pool , leaving a ledge along which Bill Robins now beckoned me .
16 There has been so much drama , not only over the first two days , when Henri Leconte had made his fairy tale return to Davis Cup play with his stunning defeat of Sampras in the second singles and then his inspirational contribution to France 's doubles success as he and Forget maintained an 8–0 unbeaten record together in the competition , that it was both right and proper that there should have been more to come .
17 I may be wrong , but I suspect that deep down , Monica , who is remarkably mature in many ways for her age , has enjoyed dangling us on a string , not only over the Wimbledon issue but also over her last minute non appearance at the Federation Cup and all the mutterings of official disapproval which that caused .
18 In the latest round of restructuring at the company , Siemens wants to cut employment at Siemens Nixdorf to 47,000 from the present 50,000 — but only over an airy ‘ next few years ’ .
19 Cultural contamination of soil on a large scale has occurred only over the last 200 years and is generally absent in the more remote areas .
20 Since the line managers are typically allocated the authority to control resources and staff are not , or are allocated authority only over the resource in which they specialize , there is an inevitable imbalance .
21 The appellate jurisdiction of the Paris Parlement not only over the three dioceses of Limoges , Càhors and Périgueux , but the whole of the duchy , meant that a constant ducal presence at Paris was necessary .
22 The later thirteenth century witnessed a sudden and rapid expansion of their territorial possessions , and by 1300 their hegemony was established not only over the previously independent vicomté of Béarn , but in the comtés of Bigorre and Comminges and the vicomtés of Nébouzan and Marsan .
23 The formation of financial conglomerates , embodying commercial banking , stock-broking , market making , fund management etc , raise concerns not only over a clash of interests between conglomerate and client but also over a clash of obligations owed by the conglomerate to two or more clients .
24 The Supervisory Authority exercises its supervision not only over the operation of the stock exchange but also over all public buying and selling of securities .
25 Academic basics can be drummed into a reasonably receptive dealer through the BIDS or Stock Exchange courses , but the practical market know-how that was most needed could be grasped only over a period .
26 Such sermons , Cobbett concludes , have power only over the minds of the many miserable .
27 On our return journey , we rode through a village where the houses , like ships , were moored along a canal and could be approached only over little bridges .
28 Instead of being nearly square uprights they have a length almost half as great again as their height , which is nearly two feet ; the triglyphs apparently stood only over the columns , not between .
29 Central government , then , exercises considerable power , not only over the services it administers directly , such as social security , but also over those that are the local authorities ' own concern , such as education or personal social services .
30 Umpire Frank Lee called him on 11 occasions for throwing in England 's only innings and , after the home side had wrapped up the game early , he was again called , in the exhibition match which followed , by the other umpire , Syd Buller , and was forced to complete his only over underarm .
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