Example sentences of "only go " in BNC.

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1 Now I have finally begun , he wrote , I have only to go on and the end will arrive .
2 Sick and tired of stopping and starting , of going up banks only to go down them again , of being whacked in the face by the branches of trees that the dogs ran under , and of not knowing where we were going or why .
3 Sunday was not much better ; Miss Huntley had not risen from her bed until one p.m. and had not left the flat until five , then only to go to the cinema .
4 From the moment children leave the cosy nest of home , even if only to go to nursery school , parents lose the power to choose and control all their children 's friendships .
5 As pointed out by the collector and historian van Mander writing in 1604 , ‘ Whoever so desires nowadays has only to go to Prague to the greatest art patron in the world at the present time ; there he may see at the Imperial residence a remarkable number of outstanding and precious , curious , unusual , and priceless works . ’
6 For the first few trips outside , you should plan only to go a short way , so that the patient can get used to the distracting sights and sounds .
7 Many fewer people leave school at 16 than did when the examinations were introduced ; and more every year are being encouraged to stay at school or to leave only to go to sixth-form college , college of further education , or wherever else they may receive education that will lead to a higher accreditation .
8 Scouts had only to go to the North-east , the Birmingham area or any of the thickly populated districts to discover several players almost up to the top League standard .
9 Mayson was denied his hat-trick by good ‘ keeping and twice Smyth was through , only to go for the unselfish option when perhaps a shot would have been better .
10 Only to go on making towards the smoke , that was all they needed to do .
11 These days everyone seems to be hopping on and off jets if only to go to the Spanish holiday resorts , but I have never left these shores .
12 At the moment everybody is eagerly awaiting Crest 's Late Night Show from Crest ( of course ! ) , a group which has pushed C64 to its ultimate limits , only to go even further in their next demo !
13 Inspired by the words of his immigrant father , who told him , ‘ You could be anything you want to be , if you wanted it bad enough and were willing to work for it , ’ Lee Iacocca worked his way up to the presidency of Ford Motor Company , from which he was abruptly fired by Henry Ford II , only to go on to rescue Chrysler from bankruptcy , thumb his nose at Ford in a best-selling autobiography , renovate the Statue of Liberty , and gain mention as a possible presidential candidate .
14 We had only to go for a walk through the empty streets and someone would appear in a doorway to invite us for dinner .
15 He had only to go for a spin with Freddie Reynalde or spend half an hour too long in the pub for her shoulders to slump and her eyes to fill .
16 Indeed , one had only to go to Rhodesia to see the ample supply of consumer goods in the shops from every part of the world to realise that sanctions were nothing but an empty farce , and that the claim that they were going to bring Mr Ian Smith to his knees was a total fraud .
17 I wanted only to go down to the summer-house and watch the leaves falling until night fell with them .
18 Later when he wanted to release him he had only to go through the same motion but this time having his hand covered with a substance that would neutralize the smell .
19 Should Alexei Sultanov find himself , in 40 years , all washed up , he will need only to go to Fort Worth to find all the tribute due to a Van Cliburn winner in the prime of life .
20 Nearly every farmer had a barrel of the stuff in his cow house in those days and I had only to go into the corner and turn the tap .
21 When they broke for lunch she left the stage very quickly , anxious only to go back to her room .
22 For most of those who link computing and boredom , the explanation is that they have to spend many working hours a day behind luminous screens endlessly tapping a plastic typewriter keyboard , after which they are usually fit only to go and goggle at the luminous screen in their living rooms every night .
23 If the movement only goes upwards it usually means pride or arrogance .
24 Mr Gandhi has an election coming up and a big one-day cricket tournament not only goes down well with the electorate , but also goes a long way towards providing a short-term solution to the unemployment problem .
25 Like every illustration , of course , it only goes part of the way in satisfying our minds .
26 There is some Jewish blood on my maternal grandfather 's side , so this only goes to show the uncanny power of the tinkering race .
27 He only goes to the shops and back on it .
28 This life history , which extends to 311 pages , deals mainly with the writer 's early life in Poland and his travels before coming to America ; in fact he only goes to America 17 pages from the end , at the age of 27 .
29 The fact that the strycholine/glycerophosphate mixtures are still sold , in preference to much more effective and well-researched active substances , and despite their clear dismissal by pharmacologists , only goes to show how little modern medicine is concerned with these kinds of treatments .
30 Paradoxically the choice of subjects only goes to prove that most new jobs in British engineering are paid for by defence contracts .
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