Example sentences of "only as " in BNC.

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1 I can not think of my own knowledge of the physical world in terms of my dispositions to behave , but only as my dispositions , construed as operating in the world of which
2 Black Eagle Street had been swallowed completely , surviving only as the dray walk , where casks were loaded .
3 Easton was not randomly chosen for the location of this research , but purposely selected because it is an area of Belfast where routine policing is possible as a result of the virtual absence of political violence in the locale , whether Catholic or Protestant in origin ( and , as later chapters will show , it is a mistake to see the RUC 's relationship with Catholics only as problematic ) .
4 Compelled to re-enact rituals which appear only as stupid , trapped within the cyclic world of ‘ the love of created beings ’ , Eliot 's characters lead ‘ preord ’ lives of deep horror .
5 Even in a country such as Ivory Coast , generally regarded as in the capitalist camp , government has been the decisive player in the economy not only as policymaker but also as holder of equity capital .
6 Efforts with red grapes can , however , be described only as experimental , with the wines produced tending towards a deep rosé rather than a true red colour .
7 The reformer , like a US president with a recalcitrant supreme court , can secure a majority in his favour only as they retire , die or move on to better things .
8 The danger of contamination from radioactive wastes persisting into ages which exist only as figures beyond the range of human imaginations belongs to an order different from that of oil spills and coal slurries .
9 It was the fall of King Farouk of Egypt in July 1952 and the subsequent rise of Colonel Nasser , not only as dictator of Egypt , but also as the leader of Arab Nationalism , that invalidated the Chiefs of Staffs assessment of the Middle East .
10 Only as long as people see their life improve each year will they accept the leading role of the party , ’ says a Central Committee member .
11 But Bob Champion 's immediate duties after his victory included the obligatory press conference , and his words there sum up why the 1981 Grand National has gone down in history not only as one of the most emotional races ever run , but as perhaps the most inspirational :
12 ‘ Our witness ’ he said , ‘ is to be for goodness ’ , which he defined not only as being ‘ honest , temperate , chaste ’ and leading an ‘ upright , decent , useful life ’ , but as the spirit or motivation behind all this .
13 In the course of the trial Hayman was referred to only as ‘ a senior civil servant ’ , but his name was leaked by the police , surfacing in Private Eye .
14 We then had a rousing Le Corsaire pas de deux , with Elvira Tarasov and Igor Zelensky dancing just as Ruzimatov should have done in the Diana and Actaeon , with technical bravura but putting the choreography and music first , and themselves only as the servants of dance as an art .
15 As Jonathan Sher has provided a wide-ranging account of education in rural America it may be sufficient to have two quotations from him — if only as counterpoint to our stereotype from imported films where the lovely young school mistress with an impeccable value system gets the rootin' tootin' cowboy and makes a man of him !
16 Only as the client is thoroughly involved and comes to accept on deepening levels the process of change can our methods be effective in relation to our goals ( Bernstein , 1960 , p. 8 ) .
17 In the film , one of them , Dr Tony Kallend , appeared to explain that acid rain was nothing to be worried about as it was only as acid as Coca Cola .
18 I know inside Mr Crangle is curious only as to what I 'm like and wishes me no real harm , but there are others who do . ’
19 When a girl whom I knew only as Meriel remarked , as we were washing up the cocoa-cups , that she was ‘ brought up in a bog ’ , and I commented naïvely that she had no trace of Irish accent , the unassuming daughter of the Earl of Meath merely smiled .
20 I knew Leslie 's fastidiousness in sexual matters too well to take the poem literally , but only as he intended that I should : that though he had met many other girls on his leaves in Alexandria and Cairo , he still cared only for me .
21 Only as attending proceeds , however , does it become possible to describe the immediately antecedent experience of a conscious episode .
22 You and your staff will maintain the well-established convention whereby ministers do not concern themselves with the detailed information which may be obtained by the Security Service in particular cases , but are furnished with such information only as may be necessary for the determination of any issue on which guidance is sought .
23 ‘ I can answer it only as any other scientist would , ’ George said , and anger clipped his words .
24 It was not surprising that a growing number of small farmers in the West Bank viewed the commission agents not only as too closely connected with Amman politically , but also as parasites upon their labour .
25 Some of these documents remain not only as important records of passed time but as superb images in their own right .
26 Only as the car approached them did Ludens think he glimpsed a figure standing in the shade under a tree .
27 ‘ But I did only as Lachlan ordered me .
28 It was not until the 1880s that intercolonial connections were made , and the stations which connected them became important not only as points of break of gauge , and therefore of journey for passengers , but also as customs centres .
29 Norwegian Rottweilers are soundly built , of good size and stable temperament , which probably explains why they are in such great demand not only as family companions but working dogs .
30 I knew of Dominica only as the birthplace of Jean Rhys , a writer I deeply admire .
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