Example sentences of "your [n mass] " in BNC.

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1 These might include terms defining your headquarters , indicating where travel involved in your job begins and ends , where and in what currency you are to be paid and whether or not you are obliged to pay UK National Insurance contributions .
2 Your Highness will return immediately to your headquarters . ’
3 Copy all your computer disks and update them whenever you visit your headquarters .
4 I 'm glad that you commented er , so favourably about brother Hayes ' er , attendance at your headquarters conference because , of course , brother Hayes is acting on my behalf in that capacity .
5 You , of course , have your headquarters in Tunbridge Wells , is n't that rather a long way to have much contact with Brighton ?
6 It 's in 5 main sections — A : an in-depth look at Windows itself. , B : optimising your Windows start-up. , C : exploiting your hardware. , D : configuring your system and E : a guide to the best in Windows shareware .
7 Your £3m cheque , mate
8 You could of course opt for the new Marshall JMP-1 MIDI preamp , which would almost certainly do the job ; I could equally recommend Boogie 's TriAxis , but that breaches your £1,000 ceiling .
9 like you got your your chassis number and engine number and everything like that
10 Once you 've paid your $399 , you are a ‘ non-revenue passenger ’ , worth nothing to the airline .
11 IT could be that your Corylus avellana Contorta is being attacked by aphids .
12 The colour pigments which result in the bright colouration of your goldfish can not be manufactured inside the fish 's body .
13 As you carefully tended your sheep .
14 So it 's pretty , it 's pretty er er and in fact some of these , these flocks who were grazing at the er w where just above that er that limit only just but just slightly above it so , so but in fact i if the farmers er grazed their sheep er further down the hillside er then in fact the , the er er the level dropped very rapidly and the sheep were then erm so it was a , a commercial decision as to whether to keep your sheep up on the hills to , to eat radioactive grass and get the compensation or to graze your sheep further down and actually the , the lamb the , the , the lambs for , for , for for the market .
15 So it 's pretty , it 's pretty er er and in fact some of these , these flocks who were grazing at the er w where just above that er that limit only just but just slightly above it so , so but in fact i if the farmers er grazed their sheep er further down the hillside er then in fact the , the er er the level dropped very rapidly and the sheep were then erm so it was a , a commercial decision as to whether to keep your sheep up on the hills to , to eat radioactive grass and get the compensation or to graze your sheep further down and actually the , the lamb the , the , the lambs for , for , for for the market .
16 ‘ Sixty of your sheep — ’ said Joseph Poorgrass , breathless .
17 Have your sheep been suffering much from the staggers ?
18 Now that 's a real nuisance with a working dog because it does n't matter where you have your beasts gathered or which direction you want to drive your sheep , a rabbit is always likely to pop up and Meg would be off like a shot .
19 Forsooth , my lord , quoth 1 , your sheep that were wont to be so meek and tame and so small eaters , now , I hear say , be become so great devourers and so wild , that they eat up and swallow down the very men themselves .
20 The second is really easy : use your cavalry and attack .
21 This will get your cavalry into close combat and hopefully out of the hail of missiles fairly quickly .
22 I do n't recommend this as a tactic unless the rest of your cavalry is already engaged , or he could be surrounded and overwhelmed by a mass of lesser troops .
23 Once he 's airborne bring him down into hand to hand combat once your cavalry have made contact .
24 The slight down side of all this is that your foe will usually know exactly how tough your cavalry is and target them with spells and artillery .
25 But then you had to get something for your £225 fare for the flight from Britain to Durban .
26 The judge , an ex-RAF flying officer brought out of retirement for the trial , told the men : ‘ I take into account that none of this would have happened if the girl had not gone to your barracks for sex .
27 ‘ Then you 'll go back to your barracks and send your wife to me . ’
28 Is that another of your a.i.s ? ’
29 So many computer people , just like professionals from other professions , tend to get over excited by their subject , and finish up concentrating upon " gee whizz " things , such as how many megaglob of chips your £1 buys and how extraordinarily clever computers are .
30 You , and your 7.6 per cent inflation rate , and your 15 per cent interest rate , and your £20 billion trade deficit , have my fullest confidence .
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