Example sentences of "time because " in BNC.

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1 He also keeps the same brigade for years at a time because staff turnover in contract catering is not as rapid as in hotels and restaurants .
2 In times past , I had tried to get across to the continent as much as possible , but now , while other people were going abroad for the first time because of all the cheap travel around , I was ( without intending to be anti-social ) doing exactly the opposite and taking a look around the British Isles .
3 I also have more than a thought for the people who do have homes but who are living in conditions of appalling squalor , for battered wives and abused children who stay at home because there 's nowhere safe for them to go , and for the husbands who choose to stay with their families in the north rather than abandon them for crazy periods of time because they could find work only in the south , And while we 're on the subject , I 'm sick and tired of listening to government and commerce saying it 's ‘ uneconomic ’ to locate businesses in the north of Britain when we 're currently importing billions of pounds ’ worth of consumer goods from the other side of the world .
4 However , the protein must be eaten in amounts not exceeding 20–25g ( 0.7–0.88oz ) at a time because the body is unable to digest more than this and any extra will just pass through the body .
5 The late Frank Howes showed an understanding of the problems racing a choreographer when he wrote : ‘ Every dance has its own rhythm , just as every dancer has an inborn sense of measuring time because each movement must be felt to flow through the whole body as well as the space in which it moves .
6 Towards the end of field-work a constable newly transferred to the Neighbourhood Unit from one of the sections expressed his difficulties in adjusting to the new round of duties , stating that it was more difficult to pass the time because nothing seemed to happen ( FN 17/12/87 , p. 16 ) : establishing informal contact with the public was not yet itself seen as doing police work and boredom was unappealing .
7 And that meant a lot to me at the time because all the paintings I was doing were subjects from my childhood years .
8 Some people wear it all the time because they think it acts as a barrier against the weather but I believe in letting your skin breathe so I always wear as little as possible .
9 It 's nice to have the same players available from last season , but I think it will be a lot harder this time because the other home countries have got to know us better . ’
10 He governs , so far as he is able to , on borrowed time because none of the groups contending for power yet feels strong enough to make a grab for it .
11 Hard work by the ground staff enabled play to begin on Friday afternoon , whereupon Richards , leading West Indies for the first time because of Lloyd 's injury , gleefully put England in .
12 England captains must not do things like that , but they had not been able to sack him at the time because of the provocation he had been under ; now that he had stepped out of line again he gave them a heaven-sent opportunity to administer the axe .
13 The problem for Sombro was that at the mere age of three , he was getting old before his time because of his rampant ways and , by the look of the scars on his face , ears and neck , he was n't finding it any easier to hold his own with the competition .
14 The British film Genevieve ( 1953 ) was unusually piquant for the time because the old car 's destination was tacitly acknowledged to be a ‘ dirty weekend ’ in Brighton .
15 They fit tightly most of the time because of the damp , but when we have a hot dry summer they shrink and you can lift them up easily .
16 ‘ I supported the principle of the community charge at the time because I thought the principle was right .
17 According to the wily anglophile Right-winger William Safire , the ‘ British election means more to America than usual ’ this time because the parallels are even sharper .
18 Agricultural development in the hills will create systems more sensitive to interference through public access and at the same time because of fencing , scrub clearance , land reclamation , etc. , change the appearance and so increase the potential conflict for recreational opportunity on the one hand and improved viability of agriculture on the other .
19 In fact MI5 was wasting its time because Khrushchev and Bulganin were well aware of this and spent much of the time in their suite holding nonsensical conversations that appeared to include tantalising references to important matters but were in reality pure rubbish .
20 Some of the deaths are blamed on polonium , an element whose presence during the accident was deliberately kept secret at the time because of its military sensitivity .
21 The brutish , uncaring nature of the staff was conveyed as almost an inevitable necessity brought about by the institutionalisation of working in such a place ; just as the public will accept that prison warders will overstep the line from time to time because of the people they are dealing with .
22 I do n't think that I can send you more than four or five canvases at a time because of the cold .
23 Such criticism was doubtless deserved at the time because his films were to Hollywood what some of today 's tabloids are to the newspaper industry .
24 ‘ McCabe was probably my favourite at the time because he was so intense for three or four years .
25 David 's been a really good friend to me , and he 's had a tough time because of it .
26 ‘ I only fell that time because of those steps .
27 And if there had been no synthetic drugs to control the resistant strains , would the decline of streptomycin have been taken to prove that antibiotics were a waste of time because organisms adapted to them too easily ?
28 If there is no other system of air-conditioning , and the window can not be open all the time because of draughts or security , it should at least be opened once or twice a day for a spell .
29 Once round the loch and they headed back for their car , muttering that we were wasting our time because there was not a single fish in the loch .
30 In his well-known book Feudal Society , the historian Marc Bloch has laid particular emphasis on the fact that in the Middle Ages men found it difficult to appreciate the significance of time because they were so ill-equipped to measure it .
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