Example sentences of "time in " in BNC.

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1 Many people with AIDS have to spend long periods of time in hospital unless there is someone at home who can help and look after them .
2 ACET volunteers work as part of a team and provide help in many different ways to ensure that people do n't spend time in hospital unnecessarily .
3 Without ACET 's practical support at home they could spend long periods of time in hospital unnecessarily .
4 In these 239 murals , covering a surface of 1,585 square metres , there are traces of many influences making up a popular and forceful imagery : ‘ The codices , pre-conquest sculpture , popular art , the study of living people , the colour of nature as well as the paintings of the misnamed Italian Primitives , together with the modern artistic tendencies to which Rivera himself had contributed during his stay in France , all went to form his own peculiar style , which is apparent for the first time in these frescoes . ’
5 Some have been living for a disconcertingly long time in museums ; but once doubted , the evidence of inadequacy in a fake is quite often soon in coming .
6 But to say the truth , madam , let a man love reading never so well , when once he comes to know this tawn , he finds so many better ways of passing the four-and-twenty hours , that 't were ten thousand pities he should consume his time in that .
7 It 's very daunting to have to go to an audition for the first time in your life .
8 After arriving in office as Taoiseach for a second time in 1983 , he proceeded to collect opinions on such issues from various quarters .
9 There has to be a time , wrote Harsnet , and Goldberg , laying down the pen , began to type again , there has to be a time when excuses are no longer necessary , will never again be necessary , there has to be such a time in everybody 's life , when too soon and too late no longer mean anything , a time , wrote Harsnet ( typed Goldberg ) , when one starts because one starts and for no other reason .
10 It is quite possible , he wrote , that it will lead nowhere , even when one has begun at the right time in the right spirit , or at least not at the wrong time , in the wrong spirit , with the wrong plans and having made the wrong preparations , with the wrong tools and the wrong principles , on the wrong surface and with the wrong conception .
11 No more notes , he wrote , no more queries , no more space in the work of X and time in the work of Y , no more symbolism , no more allegory , no more influence of X and legacy of Y , no more background and no more foreground , no more social this and political that , no more Heidegger and no more Heisenberg , no more still life and no more portraiture , no more collage and no more frottage , no more lines and no more surfaces , no more genius and no more talent , no more creation and no more mechanical reproduction , no more African masks and no more Cycladic figures , no more clowns and no more nudes , no more museums , no more galleries , no more group shows , no more one-man shows , no more public commissions , no more prizes , no more shit and no more vomit .
12 There comes a time in every project , he wrote , when it becomes clear that a head is no match for a wall .
13 The room maid can enter maintenance requests into the system via the telephone , saving time in tracking down members of staff . ’
14 KINSEY was one of the successes of the year , not least for its semi-criminal claim-game milieu but also for its imaginative shooting of day and night time in the city .
15 ‘ True , but they have a pleasant time in the sun while they 're about it .
16 I started to read newspapers and magazines more , and , for just about the first time in my life , I began to take an interest in current affairs .
17 What would everyone back at the cafe have thought when , for the first time in eight months , I had n't shown up for work ?
18 It is essential that bulbs spend a period of time in cool , dark conditions before flowering ( this is known as plunging ) to ensure that a good root system is produced , otherwise stunted growth and deformed flowers can result .
19 The trend towards milder winters is beginning to concern horticulturists. many trees need lengthy cold spells if they are to open their buds at the right time in spring , and research on the Continent confirms that apple trees will be confused by the changing climate .
20 The rudder will certainly be overbalanced and it will require far more force to apply the full opposite rudder than at any other time in flight .
21 The stall is approached once again but this time in a very slight turn and , if necessary , with a very small amount of extra rudder — just enough to make the wing drop .
22 In this section are described ways of getting back into practice and of improving flying skills by making better use of the time in the air .
23 There are several complaints that may affect women at some time in their lives from period pains and pre-menstrual tension to thrush and cystitis .
24 For example , the Audit Commission ( an arm of the treasury ) spent some time in 1987/8 with myself and others in a police research department assessing an OSU ( Operational Support Unit ) administrative system which they claimed had ‘ revolutionized police decision making ’ and released manpower for patrol equal to £6.358 million .
25 and reduces the need to spend time in limbo or the need on re-entry to reestablish oneself .
26 Whether there is any social morality or justice in such a system is not a matter which the detectives are given to question ; nor do they spend much time in reflecting on why some dubious property acquisition is outside their terms of reference , or what the relationship is of such practices to the maintenance of position and power .
27 As Turner ( ibid. 99–100 ) records , this is a time in social history , when
28 There , an Inspector Fusco pleads for men to be returned to beat patrol from community projects , for these he realizes are ‘ an admirable aspiration , until one starts to notice that community involvement officers come to work to spend much of their time in track suits or jeans and tee shirts , and some grow longer hair and beards and mix with the locals ’ .
29 resulted in the controllers making … a puritan attack directed at the drug taking of the ( underground ) movement ; and since the drug-scene is complex and confused , and we have little time in which to develop a reliable folk-lore about drugs and how to take them ( as we have long ago done about alcohol ) , they have been particularly successful in fostering anxiety among teachers , parents and establishment figures .
30 Usually her passion was an explosion of ecstasy , at a face , a voice , a mannerism ; usually she did nothing about it beyond engineering to spend time in The Presence .
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