Example sentences of "time [subord] " in BNC.

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1 Also his head still pains him from time to time where he got that knock .
2 Magnus has a far better time than I do .
3 With the British having more distance to cover at that time than any other nation , including the Americans : ‘ Cable enterprises supplanted the railways as popular investments ’ 2 .
4 It was also partly down to the well-disciplined orchestra , although the jazz idiom of , for instance , Crown 's ‘ A Red-Headed Woman ’ is not really in the Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra 's blood , and Libor Pesek was inclined to take more time than some of his soloists wanted .
5 At sunset the slabbish , orange peaks had appeared like ghosts out of the clouds and then , in less time than it took to wind on a camera , swirled away again .
6 ‘ We have a divorce law which allows marriages to be broken up after less time than the run of an average HP agreement , ’ Mr Field said .
7 The tourists anticipate a harder time than recent evidence in Welsh and Irish rugby might have suggested to them .
8 A source close to Saatchi insists that there is ‘ absolutely no intention of dispersing the collection ’ and is equally adamant that ‘ the collection will be greater in five or 10 years time than it is now . ’
9 A clip round the ear has more chance of preventing him from doing something a second time than bringing all these other agencies in .
10 P.S. A rainforest tree can be felled with a chainsaw in less time than it has taken you to read this letter .
11 Principal contenders are rightly given more time than fringe candidates .
12 Fresh pasta requires only 3–4min cooking , a much shorter time than dried pasta .
13 And anyone who came calling at that time today must have more time than sense , because today was Tuesday .
14 The business of the audition is squeezed into all this in less time than it takes to shake a leg .
15 But the gas has been cut off , which is an appalling piece of vindictiveness on the part of some public servant who ought to know that writers of talent have better things to do with their time than remember dates on bits of paper delivered in brown envelopes like a trade circular .
16 Meeting an obligation to threaten , or to make peace , took much less time than before .
17 Peter Lilley looked like he would have more time than most to do so .
18 In all election campaigns , incumbent governments are going to be given a harder time than the Opposition .
19 Several layers of old paint on an exterior door were removed in substantially less time than with a set-speed budget rival .
20 It is now widely realised that a comprehensive education for a mentally handicapped child should continue over a longer time than the normal educational period of 5–16 years .
21 Autobiographical recollections of grandparents , although indirect , allow us to push back considerably further in time than through direct memories : from the early twentieth back to the mid-nineteenth century .
22 As I stood hesitating in the doorway , Miss Kenton appeared at my side and said : ‘ Mr Stevens , I have a little more time than you at the moment .
23 They can work at speed , and make several passes in less time than it would take to plough the same area with mould-board equipment .
24 Over the years I had hooked and lost many , and finally decided that there were far better ways of spending my time than in pursuit of these fractious , unpredictable , unco-operative brutes .
25 He died as active as ever and , although only forty-five , had already crammed more into that space of time than most people manage in a far longer span .
26 Cooking will take a little less time than with Method 1 . ’
27 Nevertheless , by the latter part of the fifth century BC there was a greater general awareness of the significance of time than there had been previously .
28 In view of the slowness with which changes of mental outlook came about in those days , it is not surprising that even after the introduction of the mechanical clock in the fourteenth century most people , including many of the more sophisticated , were far less concerned in their daily life with the passage of time than we are .
29 The Chinese were more interested in the practical measurement of time than were the inhabitants of India .
30 They were far more interested in time than were the Greeks , but the fact that every moment was regarded as the manifestation of supernatural forces meant that the concept of time which dominated Maya thought was purely astrological .
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