Example sentences of "then those " in BNC.

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1 ‘ So then those who love over there , how do they differ from one another ? ’
2 And then those jaunts , on and off .
3 If natural selection was to account for the evolution of man 's higher faculties , as Darwin was convinced it could , then those faculties must have a material basis .
4 The vital principle does not accept such unchanged doses without resistance , that is , without other symptoms of the medicine to manifest themselves then those similar to the disease to be cured , because the former dose has already accomplished the expected change in the vital principle and a second dynamically wholly similar , unchanged dose of the same medicine no longer finds , therefore , the same conditions of the vital force .
5 ‘ First trying to convince you , Kegan , and then those journalists , and Marjorie — and now again .
6 The trouble was , as the Windscale fire had shown , once the nuclear reaction had got out of control , then those problems could become extremely serious indeed .
7 If you have a radio , a cassette player , a car phone or fax , then those stationary hours in the car are not totally wasted .
8 If the runner can be told exactly why he or she is doing a particular type of training , what bodily changes it will bring about and how he or she should run to achieve them , then those 15 minutes a day of quality training are more than enough .
9 If the above conditions were not acceptable , then those officers who had recently joined should be allowed to return to their original units as the terms on which they had volunteered no longer applied .
10 For example , if you permit the meeting to start late , because not everyone has arrived , then those who come on time are being punished for their good behaviour !
11 Subsequently , when the remedy is given to treat sick people , other symptoms that had not been brought out in the Proving are noted to be cured by the remedy and if this happens repeatedly then those symptoms are added to the picture of that remedy .
12 If we regard the brain as a kind of three- dimensional map of the environment , then those with the larger , more complex environment need larger maps .
13 If this religion becomes the powerful complement to lawfully elected government , which would be a very desirable development , then those decisions would settle many controversial issues which at present are successfully resolved by neither statute-law , nor , to the slightest degree by a respected and accepted moral code .
14 Once again she heard the nurses discussing their social life and then those thoughtless comments which had been responsible for instilling such negative thoughts in her subconscious-mind .
15 If the last is the case then those profits will either be retained in the company and reinvested , or they will be passed on to the shareholders as increased dividends .
16 If there are relative differences in the extent to which labour is mobile between jobs , in the extent of provision for retraining and in the ability and willingness to engage in retraining , in the provision of entrepreneurs to seize new opportunities , and in any other of the factors which influence the rate at which a region or country can innovate , then those regions/nations which are slow are likely to import unemployment from faster-innovating areas .
17 It further suggested that if Fidelity 's true position had been known , then those shares would not have been purchased nor would the eventual bid have been made at the price paid or at all .
18 You do n't get much lower than that , Nick , and if anyone wants to kick the balls of the people who put her there , then those are my guys . ’
19 If all incomes rise by the same percentage amount , then those at the lower end of the income scale will , of course , receive a lower extra sum of money compared to those at the higher end of the income scale .
20 Of course the sceptics and the doubters will sneer at the influence on the affair exercised by Dicky saying that the former route was unsuitable and geographically unstable , and they will point out that such conditions have been overcome in other parts , for example , the West Highland , the Liverpool and Manchester and the Settle and Carlisle , but then those conversant with Dicky o' Tunstead will continue to believe that it is his malign influence which kept the rails away from Tunstead Farm .
21 Therefore , only so long as a woman is in labour shall he give up Israel ; and then those that survive of his race shall rejoin their brethren .
22 If there were times when Mains was not available or chose not to speak then those were his business , and his silence could be respected .
23 My argument here with Dennett is that if he intends interpretations ( a ) or ( b ) ( a textual quotation here would be beside the point , since these distinctions are not made in his paper in that form ) , then those are inferior explications of consciousness to a process one in terms of level : ( b ) because it lacks the ‘ unity ’ requirement , and ( a ) because , although it could meet all the necessary conditions set out earlier , it seems in some way arbitrary , just as did Minsky 's supreme organizing module .
24 Since then those lines have been undergoing separate evolution , giving rise to yet further , more recent branches .
25 And then those hideous photographs . ’
26 If the genes affecting survival and fertility are to some extent age-specific in their effects , then those that influence later life will be subject to weaker selection because , by the time they take effect , more of the original carriers will already have died or become infertile for other reasons .
27 If the lower-level members refuse to accept and legitimize the social power of those above them , then those managers have great difficulty in carrying out sanctions and operating the organization .
28 If war was a continuation of legal proceedings over rights by other means , then those legal proceedings were a result of the treaty of 1259 .
29 If , as the sub who wrote the title suggests , there is another side to the truth , then we would be happy I first of all , and then those who admire Manzoni to see reliable and contemporary documents which prove it .
30 Overall those aged 65 + represent 33 per cent of all discharges from hospital ; if paediatric and obstetric beds are excluded then those aged 65 + account for 60 per cent of discharges .
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