Example sentences of "then there " in BNC.

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1 Then there is a third story .
2 Then there is the tale of a lying girl , as she may be , with whom he makes love , and who alarms him with word of a threatening German — a former SS man , perhaps .
3 Then there is the woman question , which arises in the novel in a fashion which sets us wondering , as in the past and as in the case of the above encounter , which parts of the bad behaviour on display Amis quite or largely likes .
4 And then there are the tougher types : Edmund from King Lear , a romantic macho figure with a wide eye for fame and fortune .
5 Well , the agents and the casting directors are one thing , then there 's an amorphous list of anyone who seems to be connected with theatre , film and television .
6 Then there were the republican parties who focused their attention on Westminster elections .
7 It is just because whatever one has planned is bound to change as one proceeds that it is fatal to start too soon or too late , though it may be no less fatal , he wrote ( and Goldberg typed ) , to start at the right time , for then there is no excuse , no excuse whatsoever .
8 Then there was the question of the paternity of Mrs Clancy 's last child : Mr Clancy had only just returned from Egypt after a two-year posting , and — as Peony had pointed out — the child was only 14 months old .
9 Then there 's master and mistress . ’
10 Then there 's Colonel and Mrs Swanton .
11 Then there 's Lord and Lady Heptonstall . ’
12 Then there 's Mr Merrivale , ’ said Ethel .
13 I can still see myself sitting there , relaxed and comforted by the warm drink , and then there was that moment when I decided I would resign .
14 When a blow-over does occur , you will always hear the people concerned state , quite truthfully : ‘ Up to that time the wind had been quite acceptable and then there was this bad gust …
15 By the time that you have battled against the wind to get there , you may find that it has some hazard that you could not see from a distance , and then there may be no other good field within reach .
16 And as Mary Douglas ( 1973 : 15 ) had pointed out , ‘ if we can not bring the argument back from tribal ethnography to ourselves , then there is little point in starting it at all ’ .
17 ‘ And then there 's vegetables , ’ said Jamie , ‘ A pound of very firm carrots please , Mr Greengrocer … ’
18 And then there are the dreams , more vivid than the live-long day .
19 Then there 's the television . ’
20 It would make no sense to say that the dots in the picture had a Gestalt of themselves , but to apply this model to the brain and experience would be just like that ; for , if the experience just is a state of the brain , then there is no way in which the character of the experience can be explained as the result of some perspective on the brain .
21 Perhaps there are not enough players available to play on them ; perhaps there is no one to unlock them except at peak periods ; then there are courts taken out during the winter and one of the major reasons in this country is damage by vandals .
22 Then there are those who sell their wares for charity at zero gain to themselves .
23 Then there was the paradox that the erstwhile Premier Line out of Euston steadily slipped down the speed and performance league as the High Speed Trains out of King 's Cross , St Pancras and Paddington proved ( for all the undoubted technical troubles ) that they could sustain their role as InterCity 's workaday tool .
24 I was one of the first ones to be flown out and then there was a postal hold-up so I had real trouble finding out what was going on , and also trying to organise to have him brought home .
25 Then there 's the energy generated by frustration .
26 Well yes , in so far as it 's a question of degree , though if Crime and Punishment really is the king of thrillers then there 's something unique to remark in it and even to wax a bit pompous about .
27 Then there is the absurd lack of ability to receive calls .
28 Then there is the cost : cellphone equipment is virtually given away with crisp packets and the running cost is only fractionally greater .
29 A belief held by a number of software designers is that if the software is properly designed then there should be no need for an emulator ; it should work first time .
30 Since then there has been a marked divergence between school and university ; students have become less well equipped , and academics , particularly young ones , have become more high-powered , ambitious , and professionalised .
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