Example sentences of "have the " in BNC.

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1 Although ACET , like any charity , does not have the power to release you from the agreement it is likely to be sympathetic .
2 Differences exist between the media of tempera and oil , or oil and acrylic , but they do not have the importance of contrasts in other material processes .
3 ‘ Saturn is the planet of melancholics , and Renaissance philosophers discovered that the emancipated artists of their time should have the characteristics of the Saturnine temperament ; they were contemplative , meditating , brooding , solitary , creative . ’
4 At the end of the twentieth century group exhibitions perhaps do not have the importance that they have had earlier in the century .
5 O Sister , Sister ! if ever you marry , beware of a sullen , silent Sot , one that 's always musing , but never thinks : — There 's some Diversion in a talking Blockhead : and since a Woman must wear Chains , I wou 'd have the Pleasure of hearing 'em rattle a little .
6 It would be sitting at the pictures if I could have the money to do it fill time .
7 You mean that drama students who are graduating from training should have the chance to join Equity ?
8 Originally I wanted to be a doctor like my father , but it was soon clear I did n't have the intelligence for that — that 's to say I was n't any good at mathematics and physics and that sort of thing .
9 And I think you find it goes beyond drama school , in say a company like the RSC , where we have the top person in voice but do not have the equal in physical advice and guidance .
10 The Irish people are defined primarily by their allegiance to the present restricted or future enlarged republic , but it is popularly understood that they will normally have the further characteristics of Gaelic Irishness .
11 Grounds for the bishops ' opposition were that only parents and not the state should have the right to provide for the health of their children , that the state had no role to play in the physical education of children and mothers , and that individual privacy would be threatened by public use of their private health records ( Whyte 1980 : 213–14 ) .
12 But we must have the right to carry out our duty to impart the moral convictions , the moral teaching of our Church to our own members .
13 From the moment you take the big glass off my hands you will have the sole responsibility for it .
14 History , indeed , tends to show that public intervention can have the effect of reinforcing rather than curbing market excesses .
15 ‘ I 'm upset , as you put it , because you did n't even have the courtesy to warn me that I might not be giving a lecture that 's due in eight days ’ time .
16 ‘ I do n't have the courage to do that , Dorothy . ’
17 I did n't have the faintest idea how this girl could help me but I knew that she was going to try .
18 ‘ We 'll have the pair of you spending the day waving at each other from railway trains at this rate .
19 Limewashing began in October and all the houses had to be finished by the end of February , as many would then have the heat turned up to set their inmates into growth .
20 Does the glider have the main wheel well ahead of the c.g. ?
21 It should meet BS 5446 Part 1 or it should have the Kitemark on it .
22 You may also have the opportunity to attend a course .
23 That way it will have the best possible start in life .
24 You should not have the vaccine if :
25 You must have the approval of your landlord if you are making the application .
26 In 1979 , James Anderton , the Christian moralist chief constable of Greater Manchester , described the greatest threat to law and order as stemming from ‘ seditionist … interested groups who do not have the well-being of this country at heart and who mean to undermine democracy ’ ( Thompson 1979 : 380 ) .
27 It was a love letter , it was what she wanted and would she have the nerve to deliver it ?
28 But she did n't have the nerve .
29 And that would have the added advantage of being able to hop from one creature to another .
30 You simply do not have the time for the ‘ one — pause — two ’ sequences so beloved in basic training .
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