Example sentences of "now been " in BNC.

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1 However , I have now been through the notebook you left with me and there are a few things I wish .
2 Cole has worked at a variety of catering units run by High Table in his five years with the company and has now been promoted to executive chef .
3 A total of £3 million has now been allocated to European applicants .
4 After Paul left , the party broke up quickly , as though everyone felt that the business of the day had now been concluded .
5 The future depended on decisions I could not possibly predict , but at least I had now been offered a shadow of a lifeline , and that , for the moment , would have to do .
6 Serious inroads had now been made into my pitiful cash reserves and tomorrow I would be penniless .
7 ‘ No , do what you like , ’ I said , more than a little surprised to find that our roles of ward and chaperone had now been reversed .
8 Remember that , although in this country the impact of HIV and AIDS has up until now been mainly confined to homosexual men and injecting drug users , the infection can also be transmitted between men and women by unprotected sexual intercourse .
9 This moment is the proper conclusion that sums up what has now been accomplished .
10 Removal squads descended on the Lakes , threatening and verbally abusing and the bolt has now been hacksawed through , leaving a useless stump .
11 A possible link between cancer and electromagnetic radiation from power lines and appliances has now been accepted by the US Environmental Protection Agency .
12 Chris Patten , hailed the new ozone-friendly Secretary of State for Environment , had now been exposed as the ‘ dirty water salesman of Europe ’ .
13 Psychiatrists see Thatchergate , the design of which has now been agreed with English Heritage , as evidence of the stress a decade in office has put on the occupant of No 10 .
14 The hatcheries have until now been the missing link .
15 He has now been positively identified by detectives as one of two men who hijacked a police car when traffic patrol officers checked out a suspect van in Co Limerick three weeks ago .
16 That so-called ‘ soft ’ subjects like health are now valid areas of inquiry and sport merits better and more detailed coverage has now been realised .
17 More than 60 stitches have now been inserted in fragile brows but it is probable that Biggs will never recover from the beating he took from Tyson .
18 NGC 's physical security arm has now been sold for $20m .
19 Earlier this year Cardinal Glemp repudiated this agreement but he has now been prevailed upon to honour it .
20 To the rebirth of British Isles forward play in Australia has now been added the regeneration of back play as well .
21 Although earnings prospects all over Europe are still excellent the balance has now been slightly tipped away from the equity markets .
22 It has now been decided that both clubs will play on the Wednesday with 7.45 kick-offs .
23 Three private new town schemes have now been rejected .
24 We have now been able to remove all non-nutrients from the mixture — which is lucky because amines are actually very toxic . ’
25 The England hooker , who has already said that he would have accepted only the usual expenses had he undertaken this summer 's tour of the Republic marking the South African Rugby Board 's centenary , has now been quoted as saying that ‘ remuneration was mentioned . ’
26 ‘ Certainly promises were made when Michael Knighton came to the club and doubts have now been cast on his ability to fulfil these , but if he does everything he has said who is to complain ? ’
27 Next week sees the release of Melancholia , a directorial debut by Andi Engel , who has until now been best known for his work as a film distributor .
28 Mr Ozberk has now been moved to Pentonville Prison which is nearer the airport .
29 The first round of the National Clubs competition has now been completed with the holders Linden , of Birmingham , drawn against Nottingham 's Cliftonettes in the second round .
30 Six UDR men have now been charged .
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