Example sentences of "more [coord] " in BNC.

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1 PARISH OF ST THOMAS MORE & ST HUGH OF LINCOLN with St Philip 's Priory Begbroke
2 PARISH OF ST THOMAS MORE & ST HUGH OF LINCOLN with St Philip 's Priory Begbroke
3 PARISH OF ST THOMAS MORE & ST HUGH OF LINCOLN with St Philip 's Priory Begbroke
4 PARISH OF ST THOMAS MORE & ST HUGH OF LINCOLN with St Philip 's Priory Begbroke
5 PARISH OF ST THOMAS MORE & ST HUGH OF LINCOLN with St Philip 's Priory Begbroke
6 PARISH OF ST THOMAS MORE & ST HUGH OF LINCOLN with St Philip 's Priory Begbroke
7 PARISH OF ST THOMAS MORE & ST HUGH OF LINCOLN with St Philip 's Priory Begbroke
8 PARISH OF ST THOMAS MORE & ST HUGH OF LINCOLN with St Philip 's Priory Begbroke
9 Nearly 60 guests at the Seniors ' Party organised by Lydham , More & Snead W I for those in the parishes and former residents were delighted to welcome Ken Lucas to their tea-party in September .
10 Matisse and all the others saw the twentieth century with their eyes but they saw the reality of the nineteenth century , Picasso was the only one in painting who saw the twentieth century with his eyes and saw its reality and consequently his struggle was terrifying , terrifying for himself and for the others , because he had nothing to help him , the past did not help him , nor the present , he had to do it all alone and , in spite of much strength he is often very weak , he consoled himself and allowed himself to be seduced by other things which led him more or less astray .
11 The first difficulty is , despite the destructions , the enormous number of existing pictures , many of them signed , and in one way or another more or less Bellinesque .
12 By other forms of reproduction an image may be more or less degraded , so that nothing can be learnt from them .
13 By now Kapuscinski is on his ‘ last legs ’ , and he telexes Warsaw to say that he wants to leave and that it is ‘ more or less clear ’ that ‘ the Angolans will win ’ .
14 The party structure followed was based on the Irish civil war antagonism of 1922–3 , with the pro-Treaty party more or less in power until the anti-Treaty party entered politics in 1930 .
15 Since then , the hierarchy has met more or less three times per year , but usually in secret sessions .
16 No element , he typed ( as Harsnet had written ) should ever pretend to be more or less than itself .
17 Fortunately , he wrote , while every person , more or less , in the Western world , has access to pen and paper and can write down a word or two , few will turn as naturally to painting or music to soothe their troubled breasts .
18 Add the kilo of sugar and stir water , sugar and wort until they are more or less dissolved .
19 Garments fluttered over her head and she emerged more or less inside a pleated tennis dress , sailor-collared but daringly short .
20 I was more or less resigned to the way things had turned out and just got on with life .
21 If towing is permitted with only a wing-tip man , it is vital that the pilots all recognise that this is only safe if the ground is more or less level and the wind is very light .
22 If the glider is facing more or less directly into the wind , and there is a pilot in the cockpit , it is just as safe as it would be after a normal landing .
23 But before falling in love with Lucy , she was not the type to lie awake , miss meals , weep , miss work , lose weight , have eczema , fall asleep with the light and fire blazing , feel hopeless , feel that everything was more or less meaningless , be unable to cope .
24 More or less fancied herself as a fox , the largest predator in the British Isles , beautiful pelt , amber eyes , full and gorgeous tail ; a stink to drive away the timid .
25 This is a key point because you should always feel more or less equal to that which confronts you .
26 They knew their business , more or less .
27 His introduction to day-school went more or less unnoticed .
28 It was situated in an old house , a three-storey building which the students and others had the run of , more or less .
29 Recall that constructivism refers only to mental representations at the level of the input systems , as entities which can be translated , more or less directly , into the language of neuropsychology .
30 My English friend Annie was more or less brought up by her nan in a back-to-back in Manchester .
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