Example sentences of "than just " in BNC.

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1 It take s lot more than just physical attraction to make a lasting , happy marriage .
2 Beyond this , the use of biography , its actual ability to throw light ( rather than just to be entertaining and nice to have around ) , seems to be a fantasy .
3 Perhaps some of the voice teaching was repetitive in the second term , but when there was a change in voice tutor who developed pieces of your own choice rather than just vocal exercises the whole thing came alive and interesting .
4 Acting can be both pleasure and torture — but it is not fun and people are sometimes more concerned with the image of being an actor ‘ at work ’ rather than just working .
5 Yes , she was the first person who made me realise that acting was more than just speaking and doing .
6 A pub , like any other old building , is far more than just its principle facade , or its four walls .
7 This is the pub as social institution , so much more than just a place for drinking .
8 Telecommunications systems for hotels now perform many more tasks than just allowing people to make telephone calls .
9 A good sommelier or restaurant manager can persuade the customer to choose a super bottle of wine which offers marvellous value and drinks perfectly , rather than just a grand name in a superlative vintage which , inevitably , will have a premium attached to it .
10 Evidence is mounting that weeds do more than just compete with crops for light and nutrients .
11 There is always something to be learned from a knowledgeable local instructor , and a flight is far more valuable than just a site briefing .
12 Here are some suggestions on things to practise and to try out whenever you have some height and time to spare , rather than just flying up , round and down as so many pilots usually do .
13 Make a point of trying to keep absolutely straight rather than just correcting a swing when it happens .
14 What would it be like to be In Love with Dionne rather than just loving her ?
15 Here where class and its rituals , football teams , chips , queues for everything , council estates , three storey houses , pebble dashed suburbia , languages we 'd never heard , the tube , children who 'd grown up with TV programmes we 'd never seen , pubs and warm beer ( when we saw COURAGE written on pub hoardings we thought they were left over from the war to give people morale ) , tea and gasfires and pets , having to make appointments to see people in advance rather than just arriving , suspicious politeness , all of these began to reveal themselves , intricately and ambiguously .
16 Remember that an overdeveloped soleus will give the appearance of a ‘ thick ’ ankle , so aim for balance between the two rather than just increased size .
17 Fokine wanted to make dance rhythm visible by more than just marking the beats .
18 However I know for a fact that is has done much more than just promote real draught ale .
19 Kenya 's Other Mountains — There 's much more than just Mount Kenya , as David Else discovers
20 However , Ingleborough has much more than just an impressive outline ; geologically it is a fascinating place .
21 It also manages to tie the Alps together as one whole , treating them as a range of mountains rather than just a list of routes .
22 One supplier of this type of boarding , Caradon Celuform , now offers much more than just a maintenancefree material .
23 By this stage , Des was more than just a mascot .
24 If so , we English Poundians , even as we castigate our countrymen for clinging to the norm of the amateur in an age when that norm is unserviceable , may well spare more than just wistful nostalgia for this ideal that survives among us only in a debased and anachronistic version .
25 ‘ To care unselfishly for the art one serves … ’ — that is right , of course , and no more than just .
26 There is more at stake here than just bringing boxes of sophisticated equipment to remote areas .
27 You can try to impress the waiter as a serious customer by specifying the type of tea you want , rather than just the brew in general .
28 He said it would be the first of a series of ventures which Gooding was discussing with Japanese companies , aimed at bringing research and technology to Britain rather than just final assembly of goods .
29 And glory in the 1,000 Guineas may well be a lot more than just a warming winter thought because Dead Certain beat as competitive a field as there has been for a juvenile filly 's race for many years .
30 Keeping the fabric of history : Taking care of old clothes requires more than just mothballs , writes Jo Levin
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