Example sentences of "could a " in BNC.

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1 A glimpse of the future with Dr Phil Gates ; could a fungus become the gardener 's best friend ?
2 Could a seven-year-old understand that ?
3 What better inspiration could a literature of theory have than an audience composed of theorists and critics ?
4 The following features of a statutory redundancy payment emerged : ( 1 ) The obligation was imposed on the employer ; ( 2 ) It only arose on dismissal and might never arise if an employee worked until retirement , whether voluntary — early retirement — or at an agreed date , each of which was based on contract ; ( 3 ) It only arose if certain preconditions were proved ; ( 4 ) It applied to all employees who had worked for at least two years with an employer ; ( 5 ) Certain classes of employee were excluded , eg redundant employees refusing suitable alternative employment ; employees under a fixed-term contract of two years or more , who had renounced their redundancy rights in writing ; ( 6 ) A voluntary redundancy could be under a contractual statutory scheme , and under such a contractual scheme it was often the equivalent of early retirement by agreement ; ( 7 ) In no way could a redundancy payment be described as a deferred emolument or pay ; it was a monetary compensation for the disappearance of a job .
5 It is indeed true that balance of payments deficits can be sustained for longer than they could a generation ago ; we would have never got this far without a much worse sterling crisis if that were not the case .
6 ‘ In the same way as a working person and a taxpayer makes a specific contribution to the upkeep of the national health system , so could a specific premium or tax be levied to support publicly funded legal services , ’ he said .
7 Could a reforming East Berlin government then maintain a shoot-to-kill policy on the Wall ?
8 If students in the 1990s have difficulty in distinguishing all the political parties and coalitions that sprang up in Petrograd after the February Revolution , how could a peasant in 1917 be expected to assimilate them in the place of the Tsar , who at least represented a more easily understood form of political authority ?
9 To what extent were large profits made from spectator sports and what kind of earnings and working conditions could a professional sportsman expect ?
10 What could a lorry be carrying that its load was so valuable to a thief as to make Hatton 's a feasible reward ?
11 For how could a reader who knew nothing of the original matter — the origin of the Silmarils , the rise and fall of Numenor , the triumphs and ultimate ruin of Gondolin , etc. — find a way in ?
12 Nor could a looser grouping of sovereign states cope with the awkward trade-offs which the Western response to Eastern Europe will involve .
13 What more could a child ask for ?
14 The Creator 's computer : but how could a person communicate with a computer ?
15 How could a person have written as off-handedly , as cruelly , as she had done , yet still be able to add those cryptic letters , relic of a loving bond ?
16 When he had been given to Uncle Farmborough to be his heir and to look after him in his old age , he was considered fortunate — but how could a child reconcile itself to such a strange state of affairs that he had been given away , to the fact that his own father and mother , brother and sister , lived quite near in the village but , as it were , in a different camp ?
17 Could a jolly day out in Lille teach him anything he did n't already know ?
18 At lunch at the commissary of 20th Century Fox , Spyros P. Skouras ( he who had insisted that his movie makers clear themselves of Communist taint ) asked in his speech where else in the world but in America could a poor Greek boy have become so important a person as president of 20th Century Fox ?
19 How could a man who feels as I do , who writes what I have written , behave towards a woman — any woman — in ways remotely akin to the ones which have been suggested ?
20 Only in the Soviet Union could a blind woman have risen to her eminence in cinematography .
21 How far could a minister of the people be educated beyond their level ?
22 Nowhere else could a sign be displayed saying : ‘ No loitering in this yard except on business . ’
23 Government by minority is usually bad government ; in no truly democratic country could a disaster like the poll tax have been pushed through in defiance of public opinion , wasting billions of pounds and causing misery to millions of people .
24 How could a child as well cared for as that vanish from her ordinary life without someone raising a hullabaloo ?
25 How could a sovereign who reigned by the will of the people resist totally such overt manifestations — confirmed as they were by the reports of similar sentiments being expressed the length and breadth of France ?
26 In what special ways , Sarah Matthews asks , could a group of American widows maintain their sense of self-identity ?
27 I translated as well as I could a Scottish strath with its green basin , and the heather slopes rising from it lost to rabbits and sheep and rock .
28 Deadly snakes , dangerous jungle and swollen rivers — what more could a humble daredevil want ?
29 Could a course of treatment be judged without reference to the accompanying activities of the doctors who arranged it ?
30 But how could a fig tree ‘ retaliate' ?
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