Example sentences of "do [pron] " in BNC.

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1 It 's all down to pressure to keep production going and also if you do everyone perfectly rightly you run the risk of closing the mine , or putting six or seven hundred men on the dole .
2 Do everyone 's conversation .
3 The world is now full of literary critics , some held to be important , who do nothing else but write literary criticism , and they all work in universities .
4 When his characters make love — or perform Mr. Lawrence 's equivalent for love-making — and they do nothing else — they not only lose all the amenities , refinements and graces which many centuries have built up in order to make love-making tolerable ; they seem to reascend the metamorphoses of evolution , passing backward beyond ape and fish to some hideous coitus of protoplasm .
5 Do nothing in a hurry . ’
6 ‘ The poor schoolmaster must live his life in a glass cage and do nothing that would scandalise the parish ! ’ frank grumbled .
7 If governments do nothing about greenhouse gas emissions , Wigley 's best guess for the resulting warming is around 1.5 to 3C by 2050 , which would cause a global sea-level rise of 4 to 6mm per year .
8 These films , with their ‘ touristic ’ inventory of cockfights , hot mulattas , haciendas , rubber plantations and the odd dumb Indian , do nothing to temper what one Venezuelan director described as ‘ European ignorance ’ about Latin America .
9 Umpire Alley eventually warned Holding , but there must have been many Lancastrians who were sad to see Lloyd , on his home ground , do nothing about it .
10 ‘ The new arrangements for local health authorities do nothing to ease resource problems , ’ he says .
11 Findings from the unions were a surprise to those who had glimpsed Utopia as a world where work became unnecessary : one American union polled its members and discovered that though they thought work was boring , they would rather do that than do nothing .
12 If your weight increases by a few pounds ( about 1 kg ) from one day to the next , do nothing for a day or two to try to redress the balance ; your weight could well drop back quite naturally .
13 The trials and tribulations which beset Piggott after his riding career was over — imprisonment in October 1987 for tax fraud — do nothing to distract from his achievements in the saddle , and never have his skills been better demonstrated than when he won his twenty-eighth Classic .
14 Mrs Bottomley , 44 , has been dubbed variously ‘ the milkmaid ’ and ‘ golden Virginia ’ , but the epithets do nothing to promote her cleverness and political acumen — she coined the jibe ‘ scaring not caring ’ on Labour 's health pronouncements .
15 Bromley Challener said that he found it inconceivable , nay incomprehensible that so many local people could stand by and watch two courageous policemen set upon by rogues , and do nothing while these same officers received such grievous wounds that one had since died and the other would be incapacitated for months to come .
16 ‘ I also want to make it clear as a private individual that I cam do nothing to stop them . ’
17 Many people get it into their minds that it is a serious condition and restrictions on sexual activity , the forbidding of alcohol , and prolonged treatment do nothing to dispel this mistaken belief .
18 She has criticisms against statutory agencies who do nothing about this for fear of being branded racists .
19 You will not do a great deal of good if you do nothing from Monday to Saturday and then run five miles on Sunday .
20 But when this state of tension is almost permanent and you do nothing to counteract it , those physical problems are likely to arise .
21 If you do nothing about those feelings , the recipient will probably be totally unaware of them ; if you translate them into action , you may well be setting in motion a train of events which will cause harm and destruction , bringing as much grief to yourself as to the object of your ill-will .
22 If animals in the sea have fared well , all considered , up to the point when they are harvested , and if they are harvested humanely , then we do nothing wrong when we kill them .
23 Drugs do nothing to remove the cause of a headache which more often than not stems from nervous and muscular tension , something aromatherapy massage will gently soothe away .
24 In other words the states of mind that do nothing for the healing process .
25 I would hear gruesome or stirring stories from the Old Testament , miracles from the New , or rousing appeals from the pulpit , and think , ‘ How can they sit there so still and do nothing if it 's all true ? ’
26 Planning , or at least mental preparation , is needed for this transition , whether we intend to have an active retirement , or just ‘ sit and do nothing ’ .
27 But , on the other hand , the public support such actions encourage can be overwhelming — and surely do nothing but good .
28 Such poorly presented results do nothing to support the credibility ( and hence the funding ! ) of an interesting field which deserves more critical attention .
29 Computers follow the same strategy that General Grant followed against the South : do nothing fancy , stay out of trouble , take no risks and just grind the opponent bit by bit , piece by piece and square by square , into the dust .
30 The soloists in the Concerto ( Derek Han [ piano ] and John Henes [ trumpet ] ) play their parts well enough , but do nothing to make this rather lack-lustre disc into anything out of the ordinary .
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