Example sentences of "up the " in BNC.

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1 But why not pluck up the courage to do what you 've always wanted ?
2 To be just , that is to say , to justify its existence , criticism should be partial , passionate and political , that is to say , written from an exclusive point of view that opens up the widest horizons .
3 The murals of Diego Rivera for the Secretariat of Public Education in Mexico City are admitted by the critic Antonio Rodriguez not to be all of an equally high standard , ‘ but what poet could keep up the same lyrical flow for a thousand verses ?
4 Occasionally a book has almost achieved immortality , like John Ruskin 's Stones of Venice , but even more modest books can call up the spirit of a place ; and a private letter may illuminate both a person and a work of art .
5 Now artistic intention can be seen more clearly as just one of many often overlapping strands — ideological , economic , social , political — that make up the work of art , whether literary text , painting , or sculpture .
6 The distance is of a deep blue , and the near trees and grass of the freshest green ; for Constable could never consent to parch up the verdure of nature to obtain warmth .
7 Whatever flickerings of potential this young tyro possesses , they can not cover up the fact that he is a painter with the imagination of a retarded adolescent ; no technical mastery ; no intuitive feeling for pictorial space ; no sensitivity towards , or grasp of , tradition ; and a colour sense rather less than that of Congo , the chimpanzee who was taught ( among other things ) a crude responsiveness to colour harmonies by Desmond Morris in the late 1950s .
8 Herbert Read in his book Education through Art took up the categories of types put forward by Jung .
9 Larkin 's poem complains in concert ; it takes up the question of what it is to be sexually debarred .
10 ‘ Because I 've decided to give up the artificial fiction of being myself for the genuine , satisfying falseness of being somebody else .
11 He tosses up the Clothes with a barbarous swing over his Shoulders , disorders the whole Economy of my Bed , leaves me half naked , and my whole Night 's Comfort is the tuneable Serenade of that wakeful Nightingale , his Nose .
12 He clucks his tongue again and picks up the script .
13 He has just broken one of his records deliberately and is on his knees picking up the pieces as he talks to himself .
14 I 'll remember when ( go up the line …
15 The use of impro in training has gone through many phases ; it still conjures up the traditional , hackneyed image of a student being asked to be a tree or an icecream .
16 On taking up the job , the applicant will be granted provisional membership of Equity .
17 Doing Ophelia on stage before taking up the BBC contract meant that I went there with a little track record — I 'd been blooded , if you like , and it made the whole thing a lot better .
18 The process was assisted in the North by the self-exclusion of Britain from internal Ulster affairs by setting up the Stormont parliament which survived from 1922 to 1972 .
19 Those members of the catholic population who sought to advance up the class structure had to adjust to more marginal roles among the professional classes .
20 The very phrase ‘ the Ulster people ’ refers to those who originally set up the true faith in Ireland and colonized the land accordingly .
21 Despite Buckley 's reluctance to play up the siege of Derry as a key myth and his preference for general categories of interpretation derived from various historical experiences , it does seem that the siege has particular significance .
22 I would not to-morrow , for the sake of a united Ireland , give up the policy of trying to make this a really Irish Ireland — not by any means .
23 Part of this culture was a certain distinction between what made up the sacred and what made up the profane spheres .
24 Part of this culture was a certain distinction between what made up the sacred and what made up the profane spheres .
25 It is important to note that , since the system began in the late 1920s , there has never been a significant move to split up the schools for use by the separate denominations , something which would have been feasible in the larger towns .
26 And it has to be said , he wrote , that its opposite , a feeling of elation , equally physical , equally extra-physical , has also been a constant feature of my life , manifesting itself regularly though impossible to predict , a reeling in the chest this time , the chest and perhaps the throat , a feeling of the heart leaping and the blood pumping , it came when I first took up a brush and made a mark on paper , it came when I picked up the first readymade and felt it transformed by that very action , it came when Madge rang to say she could not go on , when Annie wrote to say she was not coming back , when the idea of the glass first popped into my head .
27 It would have been simpler and more effective , he wrote , to lock the doors and seal up the entrances , simpler and more effective and cheaper than manning the whole building .
28 But it has to be said ( it has to be said ! ) wrote Harsnet , and Goldberg , typing , smiled to himself , it has to be said , wrote Harsnet , that if every project is likely , if not certain , to result in the addition of a little more shit to the shit that already exists , there is also the possibility , faint it is true but real , of the unexpected , and this is what delay makes possible and what the onward rush of time , the ever-increasing acceleration of time , perpetually denies , and in addition to the possibility of the unexpected appearing in the coils of delay , in addition to that , it has to be said , he wrote , that whatever the project , however trivial , however exalted , it will always say more than its maker knows , and , if genuine ( I will return to genuine ) , something will emerge which is distinct from whatever came before , from whatever elements went to make up the whole , a tone , a voice , which is not the tone or the voice of the maker but something else , something which , in my more optimistic moments , or perhaps my less clear-sighted moments , seems to be distinct from the shit though inseparable from it , a tone , a style , which links it to its maker 's other genuine ( I will return to genuine ) productions .
29 Besides , he wrote , now that I am at last working on the big glass and have set up the two panels and locked them into their metal frame , notions like success and failure are no longer pertinent , there is only the project and its outcome , project , scribbled Goldberg in the margin , outcome , and words like success and failure can safely be left to others , wrote Harsnet .
30 Show up the vagaries of causality , he wrote , the banalities of style .
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