Example sentences of "her [adj -er] " in BNC.

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1 I was frightened for her and frantically worried , ’ remembers Rosemerry , who also had her elder daughter , Rosalind , now 17 , to look after .
2 Diana had been in love with Prince Charles for several years , since their first meeting when she was a sixteen-year-old home from school for half-term and he was her elder sister 's boyfriend .
3 Her elder son , who had done a conservation course , would have been warden , her elder daughter — a very good journalist — would do the publicity , her younger daughter , an artist and photographer , would design the field centre and set up exhibitions , and her younger son , an excellent communicator of great charm , would show the schoolchildren round .
4 Her elder son , who had done a conservation course , would have been warden , her elder daughter — a very good journalist — would do the publicity , her younger daughter , an artist and photographer , would design the field centre and set up exhibitions , and her younger son , an excellent communicator of great charm , would show the schoolchildren round .
5 Her elder sister perished in a concentration camp ; her father was killed in a motor-car crash ; and a love affair with Walter Carr , a member of the newspaper family , ended with his death from a brain haemorrhage .
6 ’ Mary uttered as she stirred in her sleep , scraping the back of her elder brother 's leg with an uncut toenail .
7 Her elder brother André , an academic painter , was fond of Jeanne and close to her .
8 Thanks to the operation of Murphy 's Law relating to parents , they were coming downstairs hand-in-hand just as Jo 's mother walked in the door ; nobody in the whole room could have missed the flash of alarm in Lorna Lewis 's huge , upswept , blue eyes when she saw her elder daughter coming downstairs with a boy .
9 For some reason he was put in mind of the daughter of a shabby-genteel family having to wear her elder sister 's cast-offs .
10 Living there were Mrs. Dear , her elder daughter , another daughter with her husband who was a main line engine driver and their three children .
11 That their father 's death must be a relief to her elder sister was obvious , for Major O'Brien had been hopelessly paralysed for years , and during the last few months of his life had been unable to speak .
12 At first relations were kept quite close by sending a monk from Cluny herself or one of her elder daughters to supervise the new foundation and be its first prior ; and the abbot of Cluny received the professions of all new monks and appointed many of the priors personally .
13 Her father , Ray Shepherd had worked in the shipyard until it closed and her elder brother , Steve , had been out of work since leaving school .
14 At ten to seven that terrible morning she had woken her elder daughter , a thirteen-year-old who , with her eleven-year-old sister , was sleeping in a caravan just outside the front door of the family home .
15 Inside the caravan her elder daughter was pushing at the door to come out .
16 ‘ As a mother , I am keenly aware of the queen 's fears for her elder son at this time .
17 Her elder sister Josepha was already a successful dramatic coloratura soprano in Vienna , but by all accounts Aloysia had even more potential talent .
18 Her elder sister ( 8 years ) had a much more accurate view of what Maria liked to play with .
19 He added without explanation , ‘ Her elder son was killed in Northern Ireland .
20 Her elder sister rebukes her : ‘ It 's only providing for its family ; it has a right to them .
21 Like her elder sisters , Diana was on horseback at three and soon developed a passion for animals , the smaller the better .
22 One nanny was sacked on the spot when Diana 's mother discovered that her employee was lacing her elder daughters ' food with laxatives as a punishment .
23 If Charles 's first memories of Diana on that fateful weekend are of ‘ a very jolly and amusing and attractive 16-year-old — full of fun ’ , then it was certainly no thanks to her elder sister .
24 Jasper , her elder brother , had refused from the first to dress up for this party and wore his school jeans and Western shirt , though school had not seen him that day .
25 Once her mother , talking of Christmas , had said that as a child she had herself received no presents , as it had never occurred to anyone to buy such things — but that one year her elder brother , thinking to tease her , had hung at the end of her bed a stocking , and that when , excited , she had sprung to open it , she found it contained ashes from last night 's grate .
26 One survivor recalled that having made up her mind to do this , she asked her elder sister to put in a word for her .
27 One was to her elder son Gamal , who was then in Florida .
28 Raffaella and her elder brother had had to flee to the mountains after some unspecified trouble with the Germans and had joined a local band of partisans .
29 In 1944 , when she was out shopping , a flying bomb killed her elder child .
30 They had recently had to cope with her elder sister becoming pregnant .
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