Example sentences of "them to " in BNC.

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1 If you have had your letters to Dr Nguyen Dan Que from Vietnam returned , could you please send them to Dr Que 's brother , Dr Nguyen Quoc-Quan , .
2 But they can be good at conveying what it was like for them to be there , and to be writing it down .
3 My wit numbs them to speechlessness .
4 They may be talking about membership of Ulster 's protestant secret societies , particularly the Orange order , the Royal Black Preceptory , and the Apprentice Boys ' Club ; or about religion — being saved , being a church member , or even a non-practising protestant ; or what appear to them to be key ethical issues such as drink , tobacco , and money ; or they may simply be describing in ordinary everyday language life in the family , on the farm , and in the village .
5 Therefore , informing consciences on the evil social consequences of divorce was seen by them to be of a similar standing to informing the consciences of catholic lay people on the sanctity and indissolubility of Christian marriage .
6 Even those who had never heard of him mouthed his words , repeating them to others as though they had just thought of them themselves , which perhaps they had , for there is surely such a thing as a spirit of the times .
7 The finings attract yeast and other particles and begin to drag them to the bottom of the tank .
8 Use them to the full to guarantee the effective use of your computer system by ensuring staff are aware of its potential .
9 But by the time he had gathered up her handbag and Lord Woodleigh 's camera , which had come to rest nearby , she was able slowly to make her way with them to the nearest point where the accident could be reported .
10 I think we all need cooling down , ’ she said , and left them to their bitter devices .
11 ‘ There were some glazed onions and Duchesse potatoes round the fillet … our host put those on the individual plates before he handed them to Edith . ’
12 ‘ Both were brought in from the garden — home grown — and never left the kitchen until Cook gave them to Edith for the table .
13 I had to strap them to my bicycle , which is why they look a bit battered . ’
14 ‘ Leave them to it , ’ I said .
15 Some , like chickweed and poppies , have seeds that lie dormant in the soil for long periods until the right conditions trigger them to life .
16 Just jot down your tips and ideas , including drawings if appropriate , and send them to us .
17 Crush eggs and caterpillars when seen : trap fruit species with grease bands ; spray with a contact insecticide , or a systemic one if you suspect them to be feeding out of sight .
18 Take them to the hospital with you for the doctor to examine .
19 Most forms of contraception are available from family planning clinics but GPs are not able to prescribe condoms on the NHS , although some may have agreements with local Health Authorities to supply them to their patients .
20 It would be paradoxical for them to be in the vanguard of social change , for as Templeton ( 1980 ) points out , they are ‘ there to preserve the structure ; to uphold the state of play ’ .
21 She decided to do nothing else by way of wooing Lucy until there was real time , time for them to be alone .
22 Firstly , karateka are not allowed to bring their own coaches with them to training sessions because experience has shown that the presence of other coaches breaks up the training atmosphere , and causes people to separate to far corners instead of remaining together .
23 He would ask young Alex for the ring , and see that it was put well on Mary 's finger , he would wish them to be happy and fruitful and true to one another and that nothing would ever part them .
24 How reach through and past them to the axis of power ?
25 He saw them to the door but when they rode past a minute later , it was already shut .
26 Dudek flicked over the pages , found them to be a little better , but still somewhat hum-drum .
27 Not merely welcomed among them , but escorted around the country by them to various literary and poetry events , and often presented to their confrères as their protégé .
28 What , after all , is the difference between a priest acting in the highest sense of his vocation , or a prophet compelled into declamation , or such a saint ( even unknowing ) , opening himself up to the mercies of God , becoming a channel for them to the world ?
29 She tiptoed past them to the chest of drawers , took out a pair of shorts and a sweatshirt and slipped back downstairs to the kitchen .
30 Maggie blew up two balloons and handed them to Colin .
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