Example sentences of "said to " in BNC.

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1 What was interesting was the director who said to everyone auditioning — ‘ Look I know you are all good actresses .
2 As Richard Attenborough once said to me , ‘ If you have n't learnt to play to an audience that is present , how can you expect to play to one that is n't ? ’
3 I told him , wrote Harsnet ( typed Goldberg ) it was people like him who kept the idea of art going , kept the opera houses of the world open , kept the bookshops of the world open , they ought to take you out and shoot you , I said to him .
4 I told you , I said to him , I suddenly did n't see any point in it .
5 I told you , I said to him , I just pulled in and heaved them out .
6 Your heart was never in it , I said to him later .
7 After his first TV series I said to him : Are n't you happier as a media critic , putting shitty artists in their places , than as a failed shitty artist being put in his place ?
8 In a hundred years ' time , I said to him , wrote Harsnet ( and Goldberg , putting the pad aside , began to type again ) , in a hundred years ' time I said to him , ( he typed ) no one will remember either you or me .
9 In a hundred years ' time , I said to him , wrote Harsnet ( and Goldberg , putting the pad aside , began to type again ) , in a hundred years ' time I said to him , ( he typed ) no one will remember either you or me .
10 In ten years ' time , I said to him , wrote Harsnet ( typed Goldberg ) , they may still remember us both .
11 Mushrooms grow in the dark , I said to Hilda .
12 Cold is bad , I said to her .
13 Now I know , I said to her .
14 You see what I mean ? he said to me .
15 Please , I said to him , no hints dropped in the course of articles on other things .
16 Sometimes it takes a little while to realize you really have lost interest in something , I said to him .
17 ‘ But I saw your husband come into the tent while you were over at the tombola , ’ Mrs Doran said to Mrs Yardley .
18 ‘ Disloyal to letter boxes , ’ I said to myself and went down the passage where I could laugh without being heard .
19 Mary peeped in to get another look at those wonderful moustaches and said to herself that they were nothing like corkscrews , more like one of those curved oriental swords that would cut right through you .
20 ‘ My dear , ’ he said to his wife , ‘ are n't you going to tell our guests about our new addition to the dining-room ? ’
21 ‘ No , ’ I said to myself .
22 ‘ This is where they herd the humans , girl , ’ I said to myself .
23 ‘ These machines are designed to make you lose , you twit , ’ I said to myself .
24 I said to myself .
25 ‘ It wo n't be long , ’ I said to myself .
26 ‘ This wo n't do , ’ she said to Jay suddenly .
27 ‘ Hum , ’ Jay said to Francis over their café breakfast , ‘ I have a butterfly in my bedroom . ’
28 ‘ Lock the door behind me ! ’ he said to his wife .
29 Cameron pretended not to see young Donald till he was close beside him , then turned in mock surprise and said to him , ‘ Well well , Donald — we had given you up .
30 The Flemyng entourage , he said to himself , now what will he find fault with today , and what news will he have heard ?
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