Example sentences of "so [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 Success will depend very largely on the dancer 's own sense of timing and ability so to perform the gestures created that they convey meaning which makes sense within the context of the ballet .
2 This section 7(3) required the LTE so to perform their functions as to ensure so far as practicable that at the end of each accounting period the aggregate of the net balance of the consolidated revenue account of the LTE and of their general reserve was such as might be approved by the GLC ; and that if , at the end of any accounting period , the aggregate showed a deficit , the amount properly available to meet changes to revenue account in the next following accounting period should exceed those charges by at least the amount of that deficit .
3 ‘ I think in any rural town it ought to be possible to find an hour or so to stroll round , just to talk to people about this and that .
4 Woodlice feed mainly at night , so to see them actually feeding you need to look at them during the evening .
5 There used to be a long table and the head used to sit at the end of this table and so to see that you did n't leave off working she used to get the table cloth and always be pulling this table straight .
6 The RapidCad is designed as a user upgrade so to see how easy it was to fit and how well it worked Intel made a RapidCad set available to install and use on my trusty Dabs 386. machine .
7 I would think Frank Clarke would probably give him another minute or so to see if he can run it off .
8 By massing overwhelming artillery strength on a short front , and replacing prolonged duration of fire ( which had hitherto given ample warning of attack to the defenders ) by the number of guns employed , he hoped so to disrupt French trench lines that , when the bombardment ceased ; a relatively small German force could advance with little loss .
9 To make them pure for drinking purposes is , perhaps , impossible ; but it may reasonably be hoped that they may become sufficiently so to delight the eye and to repress the pestiferous and sickening exhalations which at present affect the multitudes of our population compelled to pass their lives on the bank of such rivers .
10 In other words , it was said that they had an aversive effect and that , far from tempting those who had not experienced the acts to take part in them , they would put off those who might be tempted so to conduct themselves … "
11 Similarly , in Leechian terms , he upholds the Politeness Principle when he interrupts Hollar again ( p. 54 ) because he does so to affirm enthusiastically that he too remembers Peter Volansky , thus obeying Leech 's maxim of agreement , " maximise agreement between self and others " ( Leech 1983 : 132 ) .
12 And the first man who pursued me did so to gouge a small fortune out of my father , to marry his true sweetheart and set himself up in business .
13 How easy it is to allow life to be swallowed up by the daily round and so to miss that pause to reflect and to take one 's bearings .
14 I doubt if I had the necessary day or so to spare .
15 So to combat the problem Kew Bridge Steam Museum has devised a series of children 's trails which will be available free to children visiting during August .
16 The child who 's been burned learns to fear fire and so to treat it with respect .
17 She was really angry now , sufficiently so to lose her caution .
18 And er therefore er w we made the most of it , my chum and I , Sid , we were in nineteen thirty two I would think we would be o one of the first hundred people or so to go with a , a week 's f er tour to Paris by air .
19 There 's still an hour or so to go before we 're due to dock .
20 Yeah we had five hundred er a couple of days back and I would think there 's probably another five hundred or so to go .
21 you know , so to go before hand and fetch her here back with us
22 The main problem of the present-day settlor is so to draft the limitations of the settlement as to attract the least amount of income tax and inheritance tax .
23 In short , therefore , the best advice for combating jet-lag is to adopt a new routine in accord with your new time zone , to strengthen all possible time-cues , and so to reset the body clock as quickly as possible .
24 Well I 'm , I 'm the Chairman carry on so to carry on .
25 Even if the Z88 is asleep , it will wake every minute or so to carry out various housekeeping tasks ( checking the alarms , for example ) .
26 The fair is to be kept ‘ … upon the fourth day of July , being St Martin 's Day , and so to continue for the space of seven days … ’ , but the date changed to the 15th July when the Gregorian Calendar was adopted .
27 So to continue : just when everything seemed to be going right — Rob settling down and getting serious over Heather , and Stella recovering — you came along .
28 Owen also does not confine himself to writing only one type of poem but uses many different kinds so to appeal to more people .
29 France after 1960 quite quickly became the leader of western European activities in space and seems certain so to remain beyond the year 2000 .
30 During the hunts , females are left on their own lot , and so to enable the whole group to re-form after the hunt , the two sexes have to co-ordinate their separate movements , staying within calling distance of each other .
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