Example sentences of "so [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Railways still in a mess after the air raids — they were so delayed they missed the last ferry connection .
2 The method has become so ensconced in public law thought that today we seem incapable of recognizing any work which predates Dicey ; it is as though he invented the subject .
3 The middle years of the fourteenth century saw the change from mail armour to plate , while the coming century or so witnessed many improvements in design , so that arrows , bolts , and pikes were met with glancing surfaces which , like the changes in architecture intended to counter the effect of the cannon ball , caused the deflection of the missile away from its target .
4 Archaeology is usually regarded as having its beginnings in the mid 16th century with the work of topographers such as John Leland ( 1506–1552 ) who was employed by Henry VIII as ‘ Keeper of King 's Libraries ’ and so travelled extensively .
5 In each case there can be no doubt that the advantages offered by the trust over the civil-law method were significant : performance in specie was a real possibility in each case ; that this was so depended entirely on the fact that trusts were subject to a different procedural order .
6 The legitimacy of present-day regimes depends to an overwhelming extent , and has so depended since the end of the Second World War , upon the effective promotion of a high rate of economic growth ; and if that rate becomes increasingly difficult to sustain , and tends to decline , as a result of both social and physical limits to growth , what will take its place as a legitimating purpose for governments ?
7 Also , it is so situated , in a piazza on the fringe of the town , that it can be appreciated without the distraction of heavy traffic and commercial buildings .
8 Subject to the important exceptions below , the Transfer Regulations apply to the " transfer from one person to another of an undertaking situated immediately before the transfer in the United Kingdom or a part of one which is so situated " .
9 That ‘ inwardness ’ so prized by some English readers , and characteristically found by them ( implausibly ) in Lawrence , is an attention directed so far ‘ inward , that it can never come to the surface for long enough to notice how the sunlight breaks upon the edges and volumes of a piece of sculpture ; and that is why indeed such readers can not use the word ‘ aesthetic ’ except ‘ in a limiting sense ’ .
10 I myself had never witnessed a stoning , but Omar had done so on three occasions and had taken great delight in describing to us the fate that awaited weak women who did not carefully guard their honour which was so prized by their men .
11 If the dead live , the living are as dead as the focal statue of the mother and child , for Sir Leicester has no children , and the domestic affections , so prized by the Victorians , have departed from his house .
12 The principle of judicial independence i– so prized by judges that Lord Lane , the Lord Chief Justice , has refused even to meet Home Secretaries to discuss sentencing policies .
13 They are used to ‘ tan ’ leather and give rise to the ‘ termite-proof ’ and ‘ teredo-proof ’ timbers so prized in tropical construction .
14 It would be useless to pretend that identity of non-meanings , if it is to make sense , ought to be so explicable and then criticise this idea on the grounds that it can not be so explained .
15 But what was clear is that editors , believing that the play was about the intrinsically moral Brutus , could not accept a feigning Brutus and so explained away , or repressed , the scene where that role playing is most formally represented .
16 The dance has to be so arranged that the mistake must appear accidental .
17 How does it happen that these stimuli are so arranged in space that the right kinds of cells appear in the right places ?
18 In such a setting , too , conversation is more likely to be encouraged if the furniture is so arranged that the interviewee and the interviewer are not physically separated by a desk ; that the chairs are reasonably comfortable and in a position to allow eye contact ; and that there are no unplanned interruptions .
19 The bodymaker passed the doors to the finishers , who in turn passed them on to the french polishers ; the doors then moved along to those whose work it was to hang them in position , the operations being so arranged that the polished door was completed just at the point where it was to be hung on the coach .
20 ‘ I remember that my invitation extended to 14 days , but it was so arranged that any visitor who might have to leave for the day could do so and could return again .
21 The school or public library can cater for confident children by providing a wide range of books and related materials — pictures , videos , music and spoken-word cassettes , computer software , etc. — so arranged and displayed that the young users are not overwhelmed .
22 But matters were so arranged that for most the outlook was not completely bleak ; almost everyone could arrive eventually at a state of relative freedom from intimidation and enjoy a measure of authority over others .
23 The first was a harmony of the four Gospels , so arranged that the four books could be read either separately or in one continuous story ; each page was illustrated with engravings , and richly bound by the hands of the ladies of Gidding .
24 When he is first led into her presence she is veiled ‘ but with her draperies so arranged that they emphasised rather than concealed the wonderful elegance of her tall form ’ and ‘ two plaits of glossy , raven hair ’ , each ending in a ‘ single large pearl ’ , appear beneath her veil .
25 Einstein proposed a box full of radiation with a clock-operated shutter , so arranged that it was open for a time At , letting out some radiation during this period .
26 The only trouble was that the photograph was so arranged that it would be very easy for a picture editor to crop the product out of the picture altogether !
27 As a result , the labourer has no view down the vista of which , from his master 's point of view , he forms the conclusion , his windows being so arranged that he can not overlook it .
28 As a standard , each track is divided into just THREE data blocks , so arranged that they are read in the order 1,3,2 as shown in Fig. 7.23 .
29 However , for optimum performance the size of control intervals and control areas should be so arranged that a sequence set record will be stored on the same cylinder as the control area it indexes .
30 People 's needs are virtually ignored and conditions of work are so arranged that people can not interfere to any significant extent .
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