Example sentences of "can a " in BNC.

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1 Can a revolution dispense with repeated affirmation of the new order ?
2 Can a revolution dispense with rhyme ? ’
3 How can a belted knight speak for us ?
4 But how can a sentence have a causal role in relation to other sentences if the second sentence 's causal role is defined in terms of its relation to the first sentence ?
5 Only by such understanding can a ballet be created with style and expression .
6 can a radically different work still be carried on under a single heading or department when there is not just diversity of approach but more serious and fundamental differences about the object of knowledge ( despite overlapping of the actual material of study ) ?
7 How can a 77-year-old man with a mission admit that he was wrong all along ?
8 Thus can a man , in three five-minutes sessions , attain a multilateral tan .
9 How can a demoralised off-licence manager work up the enthusiasm to sell what an increasingly adventurous customer has no desire to buy ?
10 These legal services include advice on band names , partnership agreements between band members , social security rights and entitlement , and music licences — anything and everything relating to music , even including : ‘ Can a freight company hold on to my instruments/equipment because the tour promoter has n't paid the bill ? ’
11 How can a family produce three geniuses ? .
12 How can a country which is so deeply intolerant of sexual differences in real life offer so raucous a welcome to such creatures ?
13 Kermit Lynch , Adventures on the Wine Route How can a rare bottle of wine fetch the price of the great work of art ?
14 How can a single thread be drawn to link the peasants of Peru with the sararimen of Tokyo , or the rumbustious politicians of Australia with the venal cadres of communist China ?
15 Only under a secular constitution can a nation of nearly 850m people that is divided and then sub-divided by race , religion and caste stay peacefully together for the journey ahead .
16 But how , the misunderstanding goes , can a market be efficient when on October 19th 1987 the New York stockmarket was suddenly and inexplicably worth 23% less than it was on October 16th ?
17 In other words , can a computer imitate the process the archaeological expert carries out by eye when he constructs his standard typologies ?
18 Can a satisfactory line be drawn here ?
19 Only by retaining an experienced independent consultant can a farmer make first a judgement about which way to go and secondly an objective purchasing decision .
20 Oh , how can a child of mine be so lazy and disobedient … so ungrateful ? ’
21 Stupid really , because what good can a bit of information like that ever do you ?
22 Where , now , can a man , even a good man , find peace ?
23 How can a man do such a thing ?
24 And by this means , perhaps , by being ambitious or ‘ miriad-minded ’ , I can perhaps address myself to the nature of this foulness : how can a man do such a thing ?
25 The idea of boredom is not very distressing to us because if we are bored we can usually do something about it , and so can a horse in the wild .
26 How can a sufficient number of specific stimuli arise during development to elicit different activities from cells ?
27 So , is Chinese art still collectable , can a dealer still set up with stock of quality ?
28 Jennings asks : ‘ How can a man who was a fascist run an organisation which is supposed to be non-discriminatory ? ’
29 With the effective removal of a huge percentage of licensed venues in the United Kingdom from the list of places where royalties were once automatically eligible for collection , how can a composer now feel that his rights are ‘ adequately protected ’ ?
30 Can a party of government be a pseudo-religious miracle-worker , getting the lame to walk and the blind to receive their sight ?
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