Example sentences of "has done " in BNC.

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1 Excellent use is made of the text of Tom Jones , but it is now less detectable that this is a writer who has done his stint of teaching English literature at university level .
2 Adultery has been a hanging matter — both in this and in the usual sense of the phrase — for the literature of the past , and perhaps it could be suggested that both senses may at times be presented to the mind by what Amis does with the subject , and that there is no striking difference in this respect between what he did in the Sixties and what he has done in the Eighties .
3 Since those days she has done a great deal of work with Steven Berkoff — particularly in his play for two people , Decadence which she has played in London , Los Angeles and Dublin .
4 But more likely is the possibility that it will continue to respond to events , in the way it has done in the past — and there is no guarantee that the evolution Cox envisages will be any more natural than the modernization of Iran seemed to be in the 1970s .
5 That a person has done so in order to extract the monnaie .
6 At Beechgrove we have a well-established standard fuchsia , ‘ Dollar Princess ’ , with cerise sepals and a deep purple corolla , but Bill has done well in training a few new standards this summer and intends to give them early protection this year .
7 The incense-burner of old Israel , the besamin , is no longer ; the violent fury of man against the Chosen People has done its work and eliminated many of the ceremonies and practices .
8 However , it was a pity that Greg Lewin was interviewed by somebody only knowledgeable about corncrakes ; it would have been interesting to know whether Greg has done anything about the diabolical fingering needed on the ancient form of the racket .
9 has done a tremendous amount of meticulous research on these valuable records .
10 We have had that moulder now for three or four years and it has done a lot of work .
11 ‘ I can see what CAMRA has done from the local pubs .
12 I would like to state that CAMRA has done a great deal for beer drinkers throughout the country .
13 However I know for a fact that is has done much more than just promote real draught ale .
14 Let's start by saying that David Jones has done an excellent job here .
15 Their assumption that ‘ he knows what he has done wrong ’ is based on the fact that Rover is slinking along the floor with its head and tail down looking for all the world like a naughty school boy who 's just broken the headmaster 's window .
16 To compare Raskolnikov 's haymarket with Kim 's bazaar is to see that Kipling has done all the work so that you do n't have to go there to know what it 's like at the level of vivid and varied description , whereas Dostoevsky leaves his reader with an impression which hovers between smell and vapour and dream .
17 She has done something , something on a different plane from making a toy church or pipping a social rival at the post or committing a mindless atrocity .
18 The narrator objects that he has done nothing .
19 Nor can it be denied that he has done nothing .
20 What Wieman has done — as well as reaching the lowest temperature on record — is to simplify what has been an immensely complex piece of laboratory apparatus .
21 What the German group has done ( Electronics Letters , Vol 27 No 13 ) is to create a static master-slave flip-flop which operates at 14GHz but has a dissipation of less than 35mW .
22 The dominance of right-wing ideas has done little to avert the decline ; to invoke Marxism against Thatcherism is to employ an obsolete weapon .
23 No philosopher has done more to disown the idea that his writings embody some kind of masterly or authoritative wisdom .
24 My only comment is that the Quarterly has done it again .
25 The commentator who has done most justice to this appeal to Virgil by way of Gavin Douglas is the South African , Anthony Woodward .
26 Soviet aid has helped in maintaining the population 's morale and the regime 's credibility and unity , while US aid to the to the mujahedin has done little to increase their unity , morale or fighting ability .
27 The Government must have known it was coming again , yet has done absolutely nothing to prevent the side-effects .
28 ‘ If we change the name , we show disrespect for all of the good things the party has done for Poland . ’
29 After all , the US has done well by Smurfit in the past .
30 All in all , he has done well .
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