Example sentences of "has make " in BNC.

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1 The rapid growth of ACET since its inception in 1988 has made the creation of this new post a priority .
2 The fining of airlines plus the fact that the nationals of many refugee-producing countries now need visas to travel to this country , has made it extremely difficult for many people wishing to apply for asylum , to reach the UK .
3 It is a quite Caribbean Britain that has made her : a Britain at the end of the world which it used to rule .
4 It should be seen for what it was , and especially by those who feel like regretting its erasure , and alleging that its replacement has made an environment which may be even worse — of tower blocks filled with heroin and despair .
5 In the New Left Review , Benedict Anderson has made sharp criticisms of the work of the journalist and poet James Fenton which compare it with that of Kapuscinski and Naipaul .
6 Nevertheless it is an utterance of the Amis who has made himself known on other occasions , and it can be none the worse for being read by those who are able and disposed to pay intelligent attention to this range of information — which is not to imply that the information may not be disastrously misunderstood .
7 The Zuckerman books are a medley of differences and affinities between what we are able to infer about Roth 's life and what he has made of it in art .
8 At the end of the book , though , Zuckerman confronts Roth with the opinion that the latter has made a mistake in trying to tame or to shed his imagination in the foregoing text , that fiction is superior to fact , and that the factuality of The Facts is specious .
9 This quote from Jean Aurenche , who co-scripted Tavernier 's first three features , identifies the driving force which informs all the director 's work , and has made him one of the leading European directors today .
10 She has made a crucial contribution to the race and representation debate in the U.S. Through works of self-investigation and transformation Piper explores her own racial identity and forces viewers to question their own values and beliefs .
11 As I said earlier this year , there will not be enough of any one crop to give self-sufficiency , but the contribution this small plot has made to the good budget has ten times repaid the outlay on seeds and materials .
12 My experience with glider pilots has made me aware of many aspects of low ‘ g ’ sensitivity .
13 ‘ Robertson — has made up — his lists . ’
14 The share I won has made me
15 ( One of America 's leading Jungian psychologists , Dr Joseph L. Henderson , in Man And His Symbols , edited by Carl Jung , has made the connection — without reference to Leonard 's work , to be sure .
16 An infant at eight months who retrieves a completely-occluded object has made a major advance in understanding the appearance-reality distinction , at least on the plane of action , because he now knows that , although the perceptual input at one time tells him that there is no rattle in his reachable space , really there is .
17 First , it may be that no one ( as yet ) has made the critical observations which would allow the pattern to become evident .
18 His discipline , his dedication , and his pursuit of excellence may not have made him the most charismatic of world class players , but it has made him one of the most respected .
19 But problems exist to be overcome and the British Schools LTA has made considerable progress in attempting to solve them .
20 I have nothing but admiration for those hardy woodturners who have put the clock back a few hundred years and are making furniture with their pole lathes , but it has made me more than ever aware that the wood lathe has changed very little over the years .
21 Adrian Jones , who studied for a number of years at Parnham House , has made a similar cabinet , and in the September issue he displays that piece and talks bout his work as a successful furniture-maker .
22 Age Concern England has urged the Government to monitor more closely the provision by health authorities of continuing care , and has made a number of recommendations about how this might be done .
23 The fact that the two leading English choreographers create so many unusual ports de bras as a means of expression is what has made so — many Royal Ballet dancers so successful in ballets with a story .
24 MacMillan has made this last song a welcome to the future as the three protagonists quietly and slowly come forwards , their hands linked , gradually raising their heads as if greeting a new day .
25 Ashton , too , has made vivid use of occupational gesture from time to time as , for example , when his ‘ Swiss Miss ’ milks her cow with the help of the three boys in Façade .
26 The Black Country Development Corporation has begun proceedings to buy the pub but it has made no public statement giving its reasons .
27 The demolition of the Iron Curtain has made the Caucasus much more accessible to western mountaineers .
28 Having done this , after carefully considering his actions , he has made a statement which may well become the accepted ethic of Lakeland/British climbing .
29 And what of the aggression aspect the media has made so much of ?
30 For example , when Dostoevsky abandons the ‘ At Tikhon 's ’ chapter but retains the brief exchange in which Shatov urges Stavrogin to go to Bishop Tikhon , and Stavrogin replies ‘ Thank you , I will ’ , let nobody persuade us the novelist has made a mistake .
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