Example sentences of "have just " in BNC.

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1 Over the next twelve months we will be providing support to a growing number of new and existing local programmes , identified as a result of an extensive survey we have just completed .
2 I have just received David Bull 's appeal for funds , with the short version of Amnesty 's report on Human Rights Violations in Iraqi Occupied Kuwait ( since August 1990 ) enclosed .
3 A split appears to be spoken of in the conversation from which I have just quoted : formed by the past , he is also deformed by it .
4 ‘ Tho ’ I was young Thomas Chatterton to those I met , I was a very Proteus to those who read my Works ' : Chatterton 's story is mostly told by himself , and with a felicity of cadence and of reference which can be caught in the sentence I have just quoted .
5 Not all auditions have just two speeches , classical and modern .
6 None the less , the characterization of catholic — nationalist ideology I have just documented would seem to fly in the face of this sort of evidence .
7 I do n't give two farts for yours , he said , but you have just dumped mine on a motorway layby .
8 Being told when you have just turned fifty that it 's time you retired does rather hurt .
9 Many pilots quite unwittingly take off with the stick right back , not realising that if the launch fails when they have just left the ground , an accident will be inevitable .
10 Plus I have an extremely high-powered job ; I have just signed a contract with a major new client .
11 ‘ Trevor Newsom , ’ said Derek Carlisle , ‘ is now on Luctia , having just arrived from Vasca where he earlier recorded the interview we have just seen . ’
12 This morning you were playing French cricket with my tennis racquet which I have just had restrung . ’
13 It is vicious because , as I have just argued , the external relation that constitutes the meaning of the mental content is not something that the subject himself can apprehend : it can only be constructed from a third-person perspective .
14 That this will not do is what I have just argued .
15 You are two players who have just started to develop your game , and the simplest of drills is learning to rally .
16 If you have just a few bushes , drape individual plants with nets , burying or pegging down the edges during vulnerable periods .
17 Raskolnikov is not with us either , but in the novel 's final text he could not have done or said any of the things I have just mentioned .
18 We have just caught Raskolnikov saying to himself that the moth seeks the candle-flame , and Porfiry says similar things aloud ; while behind both of them Dostoevsky is telling Katkov that the murderer demands punishment and bends to an inexorable divine and human law when he gives himself up .
19 The reason is the underground one I have just stated .
20 Hence her smile ‘ as if ashamed , a kind of twisted smile ’ after her terror and immediately before the passage I have just quoted .
21 A toneless , disjunctive fact , droll and very uneasy , one of those amputated thoughts I have just mentioned and –so a sensation , a crawling sensation of the time being out of joint ; there is more Hamlet to The Possessed than what is personal to Stavrogin , ‘ the Prince ’ as he first appears , though on the surface of his mind Dostoevsky evidently meant Prince Hal , not the Prince of Denmark .
22 I have never heard this case made in anything like the explicit fashion in which I have just outlined it , and I do not think it ever would be publicly made .
23 In point of fact , when radical theorists invoke ‘ politics ’ they mean Marxist politics , in the paradoxically timeless fashion I have just referred to .
24 The teachers on such a programme would have to confront the difficulty I have just raised , as well as questions about the mimetic values of fiction in the face of structuralist and poststructuralist assertions that word and world have no necessary relation .
25 Aggrieved after looking the more cohesive , balanced unit ; incredulous that after so many chances they still have just five goals .
26 Sir : I am studying for A-levels at the moment and have just sent off my application form to study medicine at university .
27 Appropriately , the Wilcox narrative seems to be the book of his most widely read by the kind of people who have just put in a tough day at the office or have two weeks on the beach before clocking back on .
28 I have just discovered that this column is 75 per cent owned by a Japanese company .
29 I feel an opting-out system would be probably less distressing to the donor 's relatives ( who may find an approach for donation insensitive when they have just been told of an — often — unexpected death ) .
30 Nearly two decades after his first solo album , and four years since his last , Cale has signed to the Opal company ( run by his old friend Brian Eno ) who have just released Words for the Dying , the bulk of which is Cale 's first extended classical work , The Falklands Suite .
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