Example sentences of "have then " in BNC.

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1 We have then reached the absurd position that nothing in the world possesses a knowable intrinsic or qualitative nature , for all properties are essentially relational .
2 The judgement of basic physical and geometric phenomena have then — descending still further into metaphor — a perceptually-determined , evoked character , rather like the actions of younger infants .
3 Psychologists have broken down ‘ real ’ jobs into a series of ‘ simple ’ components and have then devised tests for assessing these simpler components .
4 Put it together with the talk after the first battle , and add to it the understanding of the ark as the throne of God , as the visible guarantee of God 's presence with his people , the symbol of his covenant relationship with them , as their wedding ring , we might say , and you have then something to explain the consternation of Eli and the wife of Phinehas .
5 We have then two schools of thought in connection with emotion and performance .
6 ‘ But as you so clearly realize , scientists have many times created tools that can be used for good , but which have then been perverted to evil use .
7 Those who imagine that they see the spectre of euthanasia raising its head look with particular misgiving at the doctor 's decision to discontinue ventilation.4 Those lawyers who have given the issue their attention have accepted the common factual assumption that turning off a ventilator is significant , and have then sought legal arguments by which to justify it.5 For they have had to recognize both that it is a common medical practice , and that it is one which prima facie calls for some justification .
8 We have then , in the mid 1980s , a situation where two communities start to talk and meet with each other following a very long silence .
9 Yet the original scripts have been edited , rewritten and sometimes fused together into chapters which have then been organised into four main sections .
10 With the help of others they have then learned to manage their feelings and not to be afraid of them .
11 If any of your readers are unsure of the type of pickup they have then they can call me on
12 We have then in homoeopathy a system of therapeutics which aims at helping the body 's innate self-healing abilities by the use of remedies derived in the main from the mineral , vegetable and animal realms .
13 ‘ They have then waited there for a minicab to arrive and take them and their bounty away .
14 Well , I already have then so that 's academic .
15 We told how monkeys from the two parks have been sent to Shamrock Farms , near Brighton , for breeding — and have then been sold for medical research or slaughtered .
16 ‘ Because of the relationship we have then obviously football people will come and talk to us . ’
17 Some have worked abroad as volunteers , on extended vacations or in casual jobs , and have then found it difficult to get back into the mainstream of a career .
18 Many of the Brigades ' victims have then been arrested by the security forces .
19 But then you have then you have the stuff that does n't sell and deteriorates and you still have to have paid for it so
20 What we have then , is a clear notion of a ‘ basic biological mandate ’ that presses on , and so must be firmly controlled by the cultural and social matrix .
21 But travels costs have then to be taken into account .
22 Well if he was there and you came along well that 's two people , so it 's not that secluded , okay , so we have to look on the positive side , if at the end of the day you 're going to get to a situation where , okay , you can see that the ordinary erm true blue course of events is just not gon na work , then it 's down to you , you have then got to make up your own mind what you 're going to do for the casualty and your own safety , okay , if somebody had been bleeding that long and you could n't of got help for them , what would your priority now probably be ?
23 We have then , an author and an actual time and place of writing the novel ( or a series of times and places ) .
24 We have then to look in detail at the ways in which relatively constant biological processes and relatively variable means of production have combined both in specifically comparable and in specifically variable ways , always within specific social ( historico-social ) situations .
25 We have then to note that , unless we make these extensions and qualifications , ‘ ideology ’ , even and perhaps especially in some powerful contemporary tendencies in Marxist analysis , is in effect repeating the history of ‘ culture ’ as a concept .
26 We have then described a convergence , and the interests and methods which have at once contributed to it and , in most cases , remain important beyond it , as different disciplines .
27 We have then to look at a third area of asymmetry , directly connected with qualitative changes in the means of cultural production .
28 The signal systems by which ‘ art ’ is indicated have then a complex sociology .
29 Instead , the number of synonyms has been calculated , but they have then been ignored by the mathematics , and so have not interfered with the ‘ storage ’ of other records .
30 Thus each double stranded DNA molecule in the original sample has been melted to form two single stranded molecules , which have then been turned into two double stranded molecules .
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