Example sentences of "'s some " in BNC.

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1 O Sister , Sister ! if ever you marry , beware of a sullen , silent Sot , one that 's always musing , but never thinks : — There 's some Diversion in a talking Blockhead : and since a Woman must wear Chains , I wou 'd have the Pleasure of hearing 'em rattle a little .
2 She says she 's some sort of detective .
3 ‘ There 's some Lem Sip in the medicine cabinet . ’
4 For goodness ' sake , there 's some peelers they never accept .
5 From the south the route leaves Ulverston near Morecambe Bay and makes its way up to Coniston Water where there 's some wonderful lakeside walking .
6 I like to have a laugh and that , but there 's some things you should n't laugh at .
7 They 're real nice cards — there 's some that got pictures of a blue sky with a big white star and some men on a camel and that .
8 And there 's some of baby Jesus in his bed with all these cows and sheep and stuff looking at him all gentle like .
9 The postman 's been — there 's some letters on the side .
10 There 's some of her hairs in it , all long and black .
11 There 's some shops too and some people are going in to buy things — papers and books and that .
12 There 's some ducks and that sheltering under some bushes .
13 There 's some seagulls floating on the water .
14 It 's some other little girl .
15 There 's some people standing round watching me , but they do n't give me a hand .
16 Now I 'm waiting for the police to call , following up a report that there 's some madman loose on the M1 , threatening to shoot other drivers . ’
17 ‘ I 'm glad to see there 's some spirit left in you still . ’
18 Plus , there 's some really smashing fashion for you — and him ; eight pages of terrific new hairstyles , courtesy of Wella , for 12 lucky readers ; and your chance to win a week at a fabulous health farm .
19 The only problem is : What happens if I find that when I 've bumped Myself off , there 's some kind of a , you know , All that mystical stuff about when you die , You might find you 're still — know what I mean ?
20 Or if it 's not being entertaining , coming away absolutely hating or loving it — as long as it 's some sort of reaction .
21 ‘ Or if you do n't care for the porridge , there 's some of these new Post Toasties .
22 No wonder , living in voluntary filth ; but it is all over the street — will be all over the town unless there 's some special mercy on the place ’
23 ‘ Look here there 's some mistake .
24 Here 's some calamine lotion for your spots .
25 ‘ Hey up , there 's some more 'ere , ’ said Mickey , with a bottle in one hand and a hunk of meat in the other .
26 At 28 he 's some way younger than most of our fashionable young novelist types .
27 You meet some of the wildest , wackiest , weirdest , most fun people — and at the same time there 's some really dark forces at work . ’
28 It 's a load of children around the piano , and one little girl is mixed race , and she is stunningly beautiful , and I think : what 's some old guy playing the piano surrounded by beautiful half-dressed little children got to do with Abbey National ?
29 ‘ There 's some great woodland there , unfenced , no signs saying ‘ keep out ’ . ’
30 ‘ It 's some play about love he was in .
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