Example sentences of "what for " in BNC.

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1 What for ? ’
2 What for ? ’
3 ‘ Try to hold something sacred , no matter what it be , ’ he exhorts Stavrogin who replies ‘ What for ? ’
4 Nor is Stavrogin 's pert Svidrigailov-like ‘ What for ? ’ worthy of it , or of himself .
5 When they finally appear , they turn out — in what for this play amounts to a considerable comic twist — to have been fitted with the wrong plug .
6 What raises Eliot above the entrapping circles of city and savage is what for him has continually to raise words towards the Word , something made available in partial revelations .
7 What for ? ’ he had looked almost startled by her vehemence .
8 They want to know how or what for , about every thing , then at the end they say ‘ Rubbish ! ’ and they tease and tell other people .
9 What for ? ’
10 Four times five and what for McCloy ?
11 Frau Nordern coughed in what for her was a diffident manner .
12 So wrote Mr Avray Tipping in 1918 , persuading the traveller to take the winding road from Shrivenham ( pronounced ‘ Shrinam ’ by the locals ) and to glimpse down its fine avenue of limes heralding what for all the world could be the Petit Trianon plucked from Versailles and set down here in Berkshire .
13 What for ? ’
14 It was a special school , he did n't know what for .
15 What for ? ’ said Philip .
16 What for ? ’ he said .
17 What for ? ’
18 What for ? ’
19 What for ? ’ said Philip .
20 What for ? ’ said Philip .
21 All I could say in reply was : ‘ What for ? ’
22 What for ? ’ asked Gazzer .
23 When Charles protested that he was always volunteering , they wanted to know what for .
24 What for ? ’
25 Less than a month before the Gold Cup he had produced what for many experts was his best performance ever when bouncing around Kempton Park to win the Racing Post Chase under top weight .
26 What for ? ’
27 ‘ I mean , what for ? ’
28 What for ? ’
29 What for ? ’
30 What for ?
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