Example sentences of "would any " in BNC.

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1 For example , if incomes were rising at 4 per cent , would any individual business whose profits rose more than 4 per cent have the excess taxed away ?
2 He argued at a Westminster press conference that in only 35 out of 403 local authority areas would any claimants gain or break even , despite Mrs Thatcher 's pledge in July 1987 that they would not be adversely affected .
3 The rather tacky set , the lucklustre performances , the script from David Straun and Heather Williams that lurches from trite audience participation to over-the-head jokes ( would any primary-school child get the one about water privatisation ? ) , all did n't seem to matter as the company of four scampered around with their well-intentioned tale of how the white man destroyed the American Indians .
4 If , for lack of a formula , British ministries ( and no doubt ministries elsewhere ) are unable to price the amenity value of landscapes threatened by development , how on earth would any government — or , more probably a conference of governments — be able to arrive at a system for pricing the air ?
5 But MI5 deliberately ignored them as and when it suited because it believed no prime minister or Home Secretary would interfere nor would any member of the service break ranks and tell the truth about what really went on inside MI5 .
6 Would any RUNNING Magazine readers be interested in an exchange scheme with Soviet runners ?
7 Would any other type of aid be more effective or appropriate ?
8 Just when would any orders come ?
9 Would any ex-members of the Queens Royal Irish Hussars , 8th Kings Royal Irish Hussars , or 4th Queens Own Hussars , who are interested in forming a home counties branch of the regimental association , like to contact me at the address below ?
10 I suppose he 'd feel entitled to use a woman 's body for this purpose as he would any other .
11 This may make her feel that society regards her as a second-class widow , and you may need to help those who come into contact with her to understand how important it is going to be for her future adjustment for them to treat her just as they would any other bereaved person .
12 Treat it as you would any other wood by extensive pre-soaking and rinsing — perhaps boiling .
13 When you weigh it up , would any amount of perks make up for the fact that joining this particular firm involves waking up next to the Prince of Wales or the Duke of York ?
14 Would any man who was obviously a pathological criminal be allowed his freedom so soon to enable him to continue a career of sexual violence ?
15 If you are going to buy a camcorder , it might seem to he sensible to keep to this format : all your cassettes would be interchangeable , and you would be able to play back your own recordings on your colour television via your existing VCR just as you would any other tape .
16 Try to view your work as dispassionately as you would any other programme you might watch on the television — but do n't be too hard on yourself , you are now comparing your efforts with the work of skilled professionals !
17 Finally , would any distribution up to the value of the share capital ‘ represent a repayment of share capital ’ and be exempt from ACT anyway ( s 209 ( 1 ) ( b ) , ICTA 1988 ) ?
18 She had been asked to help behind the scenes as would any girl in her own home .
19 Would any politician in the 1950s have admitted that double digit inflation , three million unemployed and interest rates of 15 per cent were a political possibility for the UK ?
20 The House of Lords would have nothing to do with it , nor would any senior member of the legal profession .
21 But doctors at Airedale Hospital , Nr Keighley , West Yorkshire were obliged by law to treat him as they would any other patient .
22 Would any Goran fans out there like to write to me .
23 Would any of the people who jeered Sinead at the Bob Dylan Concert in New York have the bottle to go on live prime-time TV , to criticise her ?
24 Any of the following options would effectively reduce inappropriate use than would any technical change in legislation .
25 If you try to think of it as a closed totality you get into the problems of historicism ; if you try to think of it as entirely differentiated , then it becomes meaningless since there is no necessary connection , positive or negative , to anything else , nor would any one history produce any effect on another .
26 They failed , but not since the Slavophiles of the 1840s would any self-respecting member of the intelligentsia have dreamed of such an enterprise .
27 Was Consumers ' Co-operation , first conceived of as a means to realise co-operative aspirations of a much more comprehensive kind , to establish the same relations with its employees as would any other employer ?
28 Would any man in his senses invent a story of a bus crash in which 16,000 passengers were killed ? it is much more likely that these Old Testament numbers were faithfully copies out , despite the fact that they did not seem to make sense .
29 I mean , th those people who 've gone through the menopause wo would any of you like to say anything about experience ?
30 who have , well in fact , I must ask you this would you , would you like to have a gun ? , button one for yes , button two for no , I 'll tell you my own view on this after you 've voted and nine of you say yes you would , what , what , would any body liked to say why they 'd like to have a gun ? , yes
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