Example sentences of "were her " in BNC.

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1 Though Argus were her eunuch and her guard :
2 Hilda , he wrote , when I ventured to tell her all her troubles were her own fault : You are so cold .
3 Closer , there were her outstretched fingers to study as they burrowed through the sand .
4 Harriet puts her head on Jen 's shoulder , her long straight strange hair fanning across Jen 's breast as if it were her own hair , and her own short , coppery/gingery hair stops standing on end at the ghost in the wood and begins to flow loose .
5 But there appears not to have been , for instance , any of that sterile rivalry between man and wife which is now the bane of middle-class society with any claims to cultural or intellectual interests ; plainly Mrs Lowndes and the young matrons who were her friends did not seethe resentfully at having their intellectual and imaginative capacities shackled to kitchen and nursery , whereas their husbands could exercise theirs in the great world .
6 Were her average weekly earnings ( see page 20 ) equal to or above the lower earnings limit ?
7 Another part of Phoebe hated herself for this cynical internal grin , because these were her friends and she was indubitably one of them , and could not imagine being otherwise .
8 Those were her words .
9 Where were her keys ?
10 The greatest test , of course , were her family .
11 The only keepsakes Gloria had were her best peep-toe shoes and her little black hat with the veil .
12 Dot tried to imagine that the two women in front were her footmen and she was one of the royal princesses , preferably Margaret because she would n't have to be queen which would be quite a responsibility if you thought about it , going for a drive in a carriage with her regal dogs and her regal flowers .
13 Those were her words . ’
14 They were her Aladdin 's caves and , ever since her inheritance , open to her as often as she chose , though for most of the year she contented herself with a reminder of them in the small parcels .
15 He did not want to be bothered with the problems she encountered , with water that seemed brackish or ceilings that had cracked — they were her concerns and , as she complained in a letter to Minnie : — I am driven to distraction with those household concerns with which you will be familiar Minnie but then in your case you have but to report them for them to be seen to by the master who will instruct the butler to bring in workmen and I am obliged to go out and seek my own help which is no easy thing .
16 His wife lay there so limp , so insubstantial , her black hair hanging down like the tail of a whipped animal and one white hand clutching his sleeve as though it were her only hold on life .
17 And the future pope Urban VIII could write of Mary as the queen who died without honour due ; yet the shadows of night were her funeral robes , the stars her tapers .
18 Among the company were her former private secretary , Sir Charles Powell , the American ambassador , Mr Raymond Seitz , Lord Palumbo , and other intimates .
19 She reached for Nina 's hands , and grabbed what she hoped were her little fingers .
20 Were her eyes closed when you found her ? ’
21 The memory of that puzzling experience still disturbed and excite And then there were her bare feet in the stream and the tadpoles round her ankles , the cherry blossoms which she had thrown in his face , and above all the walk upon the airfield : there was magic there all right .
22 Nor were her companions anywhere to be seen .
23 And Maisie would stand like some artist 's model , exhibiting her diseases as if they were her only claim on him .
24 The curtains were her mother 's choice , as was the bedcover and the carpet .
25 It did n't take him long , and all she wanted were her books and all the time the mother was crying and rocking backwards and forwards and the old father was ranting on in Yiddish .
26 Her face was always clean , and so were her hands , teeth and fingernails .
27 ‘ You were her friend . ’
28 Linda Kelly has made herself so familiar with these redoubtable historical figures that she writes about them as though they were her next-door neighbours .
29 ‘ Those were her very words .
30 Who were her parents ?
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