Example sentences of "n't do " in BNC.

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1 They are tales , moreover , which do n't do all that much to summon the nostalgic reader .
2 Reading around for background to Shakespeare is valuable , and you ca n't do better than begin with the Harley Granville Barker 's Prefaces to Shakespeare , which analyse the plays from both a scholarly and dramatic angle , without being ponderously academic .
3 Perhaps radio will allow me to play all the unsuitable roles that I ca n't do visually in the theatre , where it 's just the voice and the character .
4 He gives an example about lifting a heavy weight and doing a multiplication sum at the same time and says you ca n't do it .
5 Well , I was one of the people who could n't do it even if I was n't lifting a heavy weight .
6 You did n't do that exercise in drama school ?
7 But I had very little idea of anything at the time and I did n't do very much acting .
8 I always figured people became chefs when they could n't do anything else .
9 ‘ You ca n't do that there here , I 'm afraid , ’ said Bramble affably .
10 ‘ You ca n't do that . ’
11 It would n't do Bunty any good . ’
12 It did n't do her any good at all .
13 For one thing , the criticism could easily rebound on the people who run these places , when in most cases they know how bad things are themselves but they ca n't do much about it .
14 I ca n't do a thing with my carrots
15 For adults , catching German Measles Rubella wo n't do you much harm .
16 I knew I could n't do it alone , ’ Lucy said .
17 And just selfish enough to demand that momma bird flies back to the bloody nest — surely to God not tonight , you ca n't do this to me , Lucy , I 'm going to crack with all this nothing .
18 ‘ This wo n't do , ’ she said to Jay suddenly .
19 You do n't do things twice ?
20 ‘ You ca n't do now .
21 A few weeks back here in the World wo n't do my career serious harm .
22 Well , I just wo n't do it .
23 ‘ I would n't do it if she was n't committed ’ explains Slater .
24 Sadly , so many dogs seem to end up in classes run by loud , aggressive people , where they are yanked cruelly on choke chains and punished physically if they do n't do as they 're told .
25 ‘ You learn what they can and ca n't do and that experience becomes useful as you go on .
26 I was a stocky baby with good bone , but perhaps my ears were on the large side — but then so were Clark Gable 's and he did n't do so bad .
27 But , as Porfiry tells him , ‘ You ca n't do without us ' .
28 This of course wo n't do .
29 We ca n't do anything we want within the group . ’
30 I ca n't see why the ordinary housewife should n't do it . ’
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