Example sentences of "had find " in BNC.

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31 I again had to find my own place .
32 In fact once submerged they had to find a red rod and drag themselves along it to the other side of the stage ; more than one mother screamed in fear when she saw the show .
33 The Girls dared each other to go out with boys of their own age : after all they had to find out what a ‘ French kiss ’ entailed .
34 After a short while we could n't stand it any longer ; we had to find out what was going on .
35 He had to find out how far Green had gone , and soon made himself known to him on the pretext of helping him .
36 One of the buildings totally flattened was the new home of the deaf in the town , so for the second time within the space of one year , the deaf in Exeter had to find new club premises .
37 Unable to pump in compressed air to equalise the water pressure — the air pressure required would have exceeded legal limits — Fairclough and Thames had to find a machine that could operate under such conditions .
38 Baxter had to find a way to stop the piglets getting out to bully their mother and steal milk from others with younger litters .
39 After Peter 's death in 1982 , we had to find a home for our private collection of 20,000 children 's books and comics .
40 I had to find pen and paper and write it down .
41 She has such a good head on her shoulders , ’ they had said , when what they really meant was that whilst Paula was a beauty , she was really very plain but they had to find something good to say about her .
42 It used to be the case that one had to find a property that one wanted to buy first and then apply for a mortgage , but some organisations will now provide a mortgage guarantee document , that is to say an assurance of the amount of money they will lend you , before you start looking for a property .
43 She had to find some other way to save Angel 's precious little life , and find it quickly .
44 He had to find a call-box and ring her , and — what was that ?
45 I did n't care for him — I just knew I had to find out if I could go through with it .
46 The date for the joyous occasion was set for the Sunday of the Canon European Masters and so Spence had to find a replacement to carry his bag at Crans-sur-Sierre .
47 ‘ This time we rehearsed in England for three weeks and then flew to Houston , Texas , and rehearsed in the Goodyear Blimp hangar , because the screens the band use are so huge that we had to find a place big enough hold them !
48 Dustin refused , not only because he had not seen the very different Warner , which the director had , but he justifiably felt he had to find his own direction , even if he had to make a number of detours on the way .
49 Having dealt successfully with the dreaded cupboard under the stairs , we had to find another situation for Sylvia to cope with .
50 I had to find the money somewhere .
51 All Spike did was call her back from Greece on St Valentine 's day to say that he had to find out who he really was .
52 We can see why Michael was to be admired ; but Michael 's son , who left for the town , was forced to do so because his father had to find money in a hurry and would not sell his land .
53 At its height the ‘ feudal ’ system meant that Sussex could muster over 300 fully equipped mounted men , 84½ of whom were the responsibility of the Earls of Arundel and another 60 of the de Warennes ; the bishop of Chichester had to find four .
54 A PRODUCT of space programme technology , which had to find a way to recycle astronauts ' air , this ‘ circle absorber ’ is designed to recycle expensive gases exhaled from patient , thus saving money and cutting down on pollution .
55 The stolid sexton , James Whiting , had to find a bit more space in her grave to accommodate a certain Mary Humphries ; we know her — she is Thomas the Calvinist 's daughter Mary , née Titford , who had married Stephen Humphries of Devizes in 1752 .
56 One widow and four unmarried people were sharing the little house , and still they had to find room for the customers who wanted an ounce of tobacco or a portion of snuff .
57 They had backed up huge demands for cost of living allowances and then found that they had to find the money .
58 She always had to find fault with everything ; she would n't have been our Mum else .
59 Whereas the Government press could rely on a government subvention to support it for political or educational ends , private newspapers had to find private capital .
60 Having decided to show all the four seasons in one picture ( as opposed to other occasions when I have made them as a matching set of four separate pictures ) , I had to find a mount that would blend well with all the seasons and colours , so chose an earthy brown .
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